AOS/TOS. Dating Leonard "Bones" McCoy Would Include...

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Warning: Last section is NSFW

Leonard taking a while to truly open up to you since he had a rough divorce and isn't the most open person to begin with. You would be an officer on board as well and would either start getting to know him during your check ups or in the medical bay if you're a medical officer.

He would find you very attractive right away, but he wouldn't do anything about it because he's not the best when it comes to talk about his feelings.

After a little while of you talking to him and being friendly to him (and after Jim gives him several pep talks), he'd finally work up the courage to ask you out.

You'd probably be the first one to say I love you, and he would be a little shocked, just because of how much the divorce messed him up. But, he would say it back, maybe after a few moments of collecting his thoughts.

Leonard would always be checking on you and your health, even going as far as taking scans of you during a long day of work to make sure you weren't overworking. It might get annoying from time to time, especially if you're in the middle of a big project, but at the end of the day you'd know that he was just worried about your well-being.

Leonard may have the demeanor of a grumpy cat ready to swipe at anyone who dares look at him, but when he's alone with you he would be so soft and romantic. He'd set up dinners in his quarters, bring you back gifts from planets he goes to, and bring you coffee or tea when you're working a double shift.

You would be very good friends with Jim. The three of you would get together often for meals or for drinks, always laughing and having a good time. Even if Jim is playfully getting on Leonard's nerves.

You'd encourage him to go with you to events on-board, trying to get him to be more social. Some days he'd really not want to go in which case the two of you would just spend a quiet evening in your quarters.

He would give amazing massages. He has a surgeon's hands, so he would be very nimble with his fingers. After a long day, he would rub the knots in your shoulders and neck gently while you two talked about your days.

Speaking of nimble fingers, you two would have a great sex life. Even if you two were being rough, he would always make sure you were feeling okay and enjoying it. I feel like he'd be open to trying different sorts of things, like sex toys. He'd tease the fuck out of you with sex toys. He would love nothing more than to hear you whine and watch you squirm under his touch as he teased you and left you begging for more.

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