Ent. Trip Tucker - De-con Talks

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As you applied the decontamination cream onto your arms, you noticed the commander watching you. You glanced at him and he smiled sweetly. You hid your blush by turning your head.

"Quite the planet," Trip drawled, obviously trying to break the silence that consumed the two of you.

You nodded. "Yeah, it was really nice. Too bad we picked up a pathogen from some plants."

He shrugged. "Enh, it's not too bad. Doc says we just gotta stay in here for a while. Could be worse."

"That's true." You bent over to rub the cream over your bare legs and you wished you had shaved that morning for the prickles on your legs tickled your hands as they ran over them.
"Y'know somethin'?"

You looked at him, standing up straight, and only then did you realize your butt had been facing him as you were bent over. You cleared your throat, praying your cheeks didn't heat up any more. "What's that, Commander?"

He smirked as he rubbed his biceps and you couldn't stop your eyes from looking at them. "Call me Trip."

You smiled softly. "Okay. Trip, what were you going to say?"

"I was gonna say that I really enjoyed your company on the away mission today," he told you, dipping his fingers into the jar of cream.

Your smile grew and you knew your cheeks were pink. "Thank you, Co—Trip. The away mission was definitely more fun with you there."

"Oh yeah?" He grinned and raised his hand as an offer. "Want me to do you?"

"I-I'm sorry?" Your cheeks burned bright red.

He coughed, a smirk tugging the corners of his lips up. "I meant your back. Do you want me to apply this crap to your back?"

"Oh." You averted your eyes. "Um, yeah, sure." You turned and lifted your shirt so your back was exposed.

You felt two cool fingers touch the base of your neck and you shivered. He chuckled lowly. "Are my fingers cold?"

"A bit," you admitted.

You heard and felt him blowing on his hands before the fingers returned to your back.
"How's that?"


"Good." He started to rub the cream onto your shoulders, moving his fingers slowly and carefully. You let your eyes shut slowly, enjoying the feeling of Trip rubbing your back. You felt his breath fanning the back of your neck and his body heat radiating off of him. You bit your lip. You'd always been very attracted to him, but he never really gave you the time of day.

"Tell me about yourself," he said softly, surprising you.


"We have plenty of time," he said. "Might as well use it to get to know one another, right? I mean, we live on the same ship. Might as well at least know something about each other."

You smiled, subconsciously leaning into his touch. He was rubbing your middle back, gently massaging your muscles as we went.
"Well, I've wanted to be a Starfleet officer since I was a kid," you told him. "It's always been my dream to be up in space, exploring new planets and alien species."

"Now you're living that dream," he said, sounding like he was smiling.

"It's amazing," you gushed. "It's such a surreal feeling being here."

"Wouldn't be the same without ya," he murmured.

"You're just saying that to be nice."

"I mean it, Y/N. I know we don't know each other very well, but I think you're pretty damn great."

You turned, making sure to hold your shirt over your chest. "Really?"

He smiled softly. "Well, o'course. You're really smart and kind. I've seen ya talkin' to other crewmen, and I've noticed how sweet y'are to everyone."

You smiled and looked down. "Thank you. That's really nice of you to say."

"Plus, you're pretty damn cute."

You looked back up at him in a heartbeat, your eyes widening and your cheeks growing hot again. You tried to think of something to say, but nothing came out.

Trip grinned. "To be honest, I have no idea why I've never approached ya like this before. I've ... admired you from afar since we left spacedock. Guess I just never had the courage to confront you."

You bit down on your lip so hard you were surprised you didn't taste blood. "I ... really?"

He nodded slowly, biting down on his lip as well. "I guess I figured it wasn't really right to start a relationship or anythan' with a member of the crew. Just in case we got recalled. But from the looks of things, I don't think we're goin' home any time soon."

You smiled, pulling your shirt down and adjusting it. "I think we're going to be stuck with one another for a while."

Trip smiled, moving his hands to your hips. You let him pull you closer to him. "If that's the case, I suppose we should do something about this ... tension between us."

You pushed on his chest gently. "Commander, is that your way of asking me out?"

He laughed softly. "Yeah, I guess it is. And I told you, call me Trip. If we're going to be ... going out, we should call each other by our first names, don't you think, Y/N?"

With a smirk, you said, "Yeah, you're probably right, Trip."

He grinned. "What d'ya say? Dinner tomorrow night? I can convince the captain to give up his room for one evening. Just you and I."

You smiled, placing your hands on his chest. "That sounds lovely."

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