Ent. Phlox - You Avoid Him

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"Ah, Y/N!" Phlox shouted down the corridor, startling you and making you inwardly groan.

You looked over your shoulder. "Hey, Phlox."

"I noticed that you never came in for your physical," he said. "I understand you're busy, but we must ensure every member of this crew is healthy."

You smiled awkwardly. "Yeah, sorry, Doc. I just keep forgetting."

Phlox smiled warmly. "Why not come now? You don't seem to be in a rush to get anywhere."

"I... I should really be getting back to my station ..."

"It will only take a few minutes. I'll even call your superior to let them know you'll be late." He put his hand on your lower back, sending tingles up your spine, and lead you to sickbay. The butterflies in your stomach were throwing a party by the time you reached sickbay. Your palms were getting clammy and you quickly tried to wipe them off on your pants.

"Have a seat," Phlox said, gesturing to the biobed. You sat and swung your legs nervously as you waited for him to get the instruments. When he came back, he gave you a smile. You forced one out. Phlox started to scan you, humming lowly to himself.

"How long will this take?" you asked. "I don't want to be too late for my shift."

"Not long," he replied. "The scan's complete. Now I just have to analyze them." He went to a small screen at his desk. "Hm."

"Hm? What does hm mean?"

Phlox looked at you with a frown. "Your heartrate and blood pressure are up, but there's no sign of an infection or illness to cause that. Are you feeling all right? Perhaps I should take a more detailed full body scan to make sure you're not ill."

"I feel fine," you replied too quickly, then added, "I just hate physicals, that's all."

Phlox nodded his head slowly. "Your pupils are dilated."

"Are they?"

He nodded and went back to you, looking at you closely. "Are you sure you're feeling okay?"

"I'm fine, I swear."

"If I didn't know you better I'd say you were nervous because you have a crush on me."


Phlox shrugged. "I've noticed the signs when humans like another in a romantic manner. Their cheeks redden, their pupils dilate, they perspire, and their heartrate can quicken. But, you're just nervous for the physical." You could tell by his tone at the end of his statement that he really did suspect you of having feelings for him, though he's just too polite to say so.

You bit your lip and nodded. "Yeah... Yeah, just the physical."

Phlox patted your arm gently. "You're free to go."

You stood off the table. "Are you going to the movie tonight?"

"I was planning to, why?"

"Oh, no reason. Just wondering. Thanks Doc." You started to leave, but stopped when Phlox spoke.

"Would you like to go together?"

You looked at him over your shoulder, fighting back a wide smile. "That'd be fun. I'll see you at seven."

Star Trek Imagines (Reader-Inserts) Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now