Voy. Dating Icheb Would Include...

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Him talking to Tom or Chakotay about his feelings towards you when he first started to realize them, and they would probably confuse him

"I don't understand. It's completely illogical to feel so unsettled, but whenever I see them, I can't help it."

"They're always on my mind and I can't focus. It's very irritating."

Him finally telling you how he feels after Tom convinces him to. Probably by telling him how happy he is with B'Elanna and that it'll be worth the awkwardness and anxiousness

Him not really knowing how to word it properly, and probably saying the wrong thing more than once

"You're all I think about, and I want to stop. I mean, I want the thinking to stop. Because I want it to not be thoughts. I-I want it to be ... real."

You thinking his awkwardness is adorable, and (obviously) saying yes to going out with him

After things get more serious, you and Seven becoming fairly close. She'd ask you about him a lot, see how he's doing and how things between you two are

Him impressing you with his intellect and skills regarding the sciences. Him often teaching you a thing or two whenever you visit his work station. In return, you'd teach him a few things about relationships and what to expect

"When I'm sad, like this—" *mocks sad expression* "I would love a hug and a soft kiss."

You and Icheb spending a lot of time in the holodeck. You'd share programs with him that are based on Earth, wanting to share your home with him

Him being a bit unorthodox in terms of romance, but it always makes you smile

He'd do things like give you a potted cactus, because "Unlike flowering plants severed from their roots, this succulent will live a long time, and needs little attention and water."

Or, instead of giving you his sweater/jacket while on the holodeck he'd simply tell the computer to create one for you because "It would be foolish of me to give up my own jacket when the computer can just make you one, instead. This way, we're both warm and comfortable."

You often talking to him about Earth and the things you miss the most from there

You two fantasizing about where you'd live if you get back and talking about the future you want to have

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