Voy. Harry Kim - "This shuttle was a lot roomier before..."

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The two of you flew in silence, the only sound being the soft beeps from the computer every so often. After flying for nearly an hour to get to an asteroid field to study it, you were getting bored. You sighed and started to tap your finger against the edge of the console before you.

Harry glanced to you, becoming mesmerized by your appearance before speaking, "Bored?"

"Hm?" You looked over. "Oh. Yeah, a bit."

He smiled softly. "My company can't be that tedious, can it?"

"It wouldn't be if we spoke more," you admitted.

"Okay, what do you want to talk about?"

You shrugged, looking back at your console to check the readings. "I don't know. Tell me a story or something."

Harry smirked. "A story? What kind of story?"

"Something funny," you said after a moment's thought. You turned your chair to face him.

Harry nodded and tried to recall a story. He put the shuttle on auto pilot and faced you. "Did you ever hear about the time Tom and I pranked Tuvok?"

You grinned. "No, but that sounds amazing."

"It was hilarious," he said with a chuckle. "Well, Tuvok didn't think so. So Tom and I rigged the security console once. Every time Tuvok tried to access the internal sensors, it would play a message saying, "Live long and prosper!""

You laughed. "Oh my god. You're kidding."

Harry laughed with you. "I'm not. And it wasn't just the internal sensors. No matter what button he pushed, he got that message."

You laughed harder, bending at the waist.

"Eventually he went to his quarters and let his guard down. But, when he tried to order Vulcan tea from the replicator, the replicator said—"

"Let me guess," you said, trying to contain your laughter. "Live long and prosper?"

Harry nodded, squinting as he laughed hard.

Your laughter echoed off the walls of the small shuttle.

Harry trailed off, watching you laugh. He smiled to himself softly.

You sat up right and wiped at your eyes.

"Y'know something?" Harry asked, not taking his eyes off you.

You raised your eyebrows. "What?"

"This shuttle was a lot roomier before ..." he stopped and shook his head. "Forget it."

"No, what?"

Harry turned back to his console. "Nothing, it's dumb. Forget I said anything."

You frowned and leaned forward, putting your hand onto Harry's shoulder. "I doubt it's stupid. C'mon, tell me. Now I'm curious."

He sighed and rotated his chair to face you once more. He stared at you, only then noticing how close you were to him. Your face was less than half a foot away from his, and your knees brushed against each other's.

"I was going to say that this shuttle was a lot roomier before I started realizing I'm attracted to you," he said quickly, his cheeks reddening.

Your eyes widened. "You are?"

Harry nodded slightly, breaking eye contact with you.

"Oh." You were surprised, if you were being honest. You'd developed a crush on Harry a while back, but never expected him to reciprocate it. You thought he had a thing for Seven—you never thought he'd like you.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. Forget I said it. Let's just focus at getting to the asteroid field, and—"

You kissed him, ending his nervous ramble. You felt him tense momentarily before relaxing and kissing you back. You hooked your hands behind his neck, puling yourself closer to him. Harry grabbed your hips, bringing you into his lap. You straddled him, kissing his lips harder. He sighed slowly through his nose and you smiled.

Harry moved his lips away and leaned his forehead against yours. "Guess I should have said something sooner."

You smirked. "You should have."

"Y'know, I think this non-roomie shuttle just got a lot more comfortable."

"Oh yeah?" you asked with a grin. "You don't mind having to be this close due to this small space?"

Harry smiled. "No. I don't mind at all."

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