Voy. Harry Kim - Mismatched Uniforms

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Harry stepped onto the bridge, still groggy from oversleeping. He saw Chakotay in his chair and said: "I'm sorry we're late, Commander. The computer didn't wake us."

Chakotay didn't look up from his PADD, but nodded. "It's all right, Ensign. Just take your station."

Harry nodded and went to his station, breathing out slowly. You took your station and brushed hair off your face.

Tom looked back to the two of you, then started to smirk. "Y/N, have you lost weight?"

"I'm sorry?" You looked to him, confused by his sudden—and random—question.

"Your uniform looks a bit ... baggy," he replied. "Either you lost weight, or your uniform grew."

You looked down at yourself, then shrugged. "Don't know. Maybe."

Tom caught Chakotay's eye and raised an eyebrow before turning back to his station.

Now curious, Chakotay glanced at you, then to Harry. A knowing smile formed on his face. "I take it you two were in a rush this morning?"

Harry nodded, frowning lightly. "Yeah, like I said, the computer didn't wake us. We barely had time to eat."

"Let alone grab your uniforms," Chakotay mused.

You looked at Harry, really focusing on his appearance for the first time since you left your quarters. Your brow furrowed. The jacket of his uniform didn't fit right. The shoulders looked tight, and the sleeves were just a tad too short. Realization hit you and you started laughing.

Chakotay chuckled softly, shaking his head.

Harry, on the other hand, was still oblivious. "What? What's so funny?"

You went to him, unzipping your jacket on the way.

"Y/N? What are you doing?" he asked, eyes darting around the room, seeming concerned that you were undressing—even slightly—in the presence of others.

"I think this is yours," you told him, putting his jacket onto his console.

He looked at it, then looked down at the jacket he was wearing. He laughed softly. "Oh."

You smirked as he took your jacket off and handed it to you. You pulled it on and said: "Ah, much better."

Harry grinned and leaned closer to you. "You should strip on the bridge more often," he whispered. "It was hot."

You laughed and shoved his shoulder with your own. "Shut up."

His smile only grew and he watched as you went back to your station before putting his jacket on.

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