AOS/TOS. Jim Kirk - Family

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A/N: Pregnant reader

"George!" Jim whisper-yelled, chasing after the half-dressed three-year old. "George don't wake up mommy! She's sleeping!"

George's giggles echoed through the quarters, followed by the heavy steps of Jim rushing after him.

You stirred in bed, the commotion rousing you from your sleep.

George ducked away from his father's hands and ran into your bedroom.

"Mommy?" he asked, clambering his way up onto the bed.

"George," Jim chastised.

You lifted your head, a small smile on your face. "Hey, Georgie."

George smiled widely and collapsed at your side, his little arms going around your neck. You hugged him with one arm, then shot Jim a questioning look.

"I'm sorry, babe," Jim said quickly. "I was getting him dressed, and then he wanted to go see you and I told him you were sleeping, but he insisted on seeing you before going to pre-school."

"That's okay. I should get up soon anyway."

Jim sat at the edge of the bed. "How'd you sleep?"

You sat up slowly, pulling George into your lap carefully. "All right. Someone was kicking me for a few hours."

Jim smiled softly, looking down at your six-month pregnant belly. "She just can't wait to meet us."

"Mommy, can we visit uncle Bones later?"

"Let's see how Mommy's feeling later, okay bud?" Jim said.

George pouted softly, but nodded.

You looked down at your son and laughed softly. "Jim, his pants are on backwards."

Jim sighed, but smirked. "Of course they are. Come on, Georgie, let's finish getting you dressed."

"Is Mommy coming?" he asked as Jim picked him up.

"I'll be there in just a second," you assured.

As Jim took George back to his own room, you watched after them and smiled. You placed your hand onto your stomach, giving it a gentle rub. "Just a few more months, and then you'll be a part of these hectic mornings."

As if answering, the fetus kicked against your hand gently.

You smiled. "I can't wait to meet you, either."

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