Voy. The Doctor (platonic) - Aromantic

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"What about Ensign Kim?" The Doctor asked you quietly as you ate your dinner.

You rolled your eyes at him. "For the last time, Doc, I don't want a date for Tom's party."

Your friend sighed heavily. "Many people will be arriving with dates."

You shrugged. "That's good for them, but I won't be."

The Doctor leaned closer. "I could be your date."

"If you want me to be your date, then sure," you said with another shrug. "But only as friends."

"I'd expect nothing more," he said with a small smile. "But may I ask you why you don't want a date? I've noticed that you've never exactly been in a relationship with anyone the entire time we've been on board."

You pushed your food around on your plate. "Dating just doesn't interest me."

"Tell me more," he requested. "If you're comfortable telling me, of course. Human sexuality is very fascinating to me."

You leaned your chin in your hand and met his eyes. "It's called being aromantic. It means I don't experience romantic attraction to anyone, and I have no interest in being in a romantic relationship."

"Hm, I see." The Doctor nodded slowly. "Is this common on Earth?"

"More common than some people realize," you replied. "Some people are more on the aromantic side of the spectrum than others. Some people may be on the spectrum without even realizing it."

"When did you know you were aromantic?" he asked curiously. He wasn't trying to be nosy—he was just very interested and seeing as the two of you were close friends, he wanted to learn more about this side of you.

"I guess I kind of always knew, deep down," you admitted. "I never really had crushes growing up. Never really saw the appeal of dating."

The Doctor nodded. "I see. Well, I'm glad you are comfortable with who you are. Thank you for sharing this about yourself to me."

You shot him a smile. "Thank you for being understanding."

He dipped his head. "Now, I suppose we need to decide what we're going to wear to the party..."

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