AOS/TOS. Being Pavel Chekov's Betazoid Wife Would Include...

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You and Chekov would be able to communicate telepathically, like Will and Deanna in TNG. You guys wouldn't do it much, since it felt so unnatural to Chekov, but he would grow accustomed to hearing your voice in his head on occasion and sometimes he would speak to you that way if you were in public and he couldn't say what he wanted to say out loud.

He'd use the telepathic link sometimes to tease you in public, saying things he knew made you want him. You would do it right back to him, and it wouldn't be long until the two of you were going off somewhere private.

Chekov would propose to you shortly after your one-year anniversary. He would have known he wanted to marry you not long after your second date, but he wanted to make sure your relationship was stable and that you were as committed to it as he was before popping the question.

He would decorate your quarters with rose petals, candles, and chocolates before you came home from your shift. When you arrived, he would take your hands and go on a long speech about how much he loved you and how he didn't even want to imagine the rest of his life without you. He'd pull out the ring and you would just start crying tears of joy.

Your wedding would be on Betazed, and you'd invite all of your closest friends from the Enterprise as well as some family and friends from Earth. It would be a traditional Betazoid wedding, meaning nudity. So much nudity. Chekov would feel very self-conscious being naked around some of the crew, but he knew it was what you wanted and that it was important for you and your culture.

The reception would be more Earth-style. Chekov would have planned it. It was only fair, seeing as you planned the wedding portion. The two of you would get drunk and dance together the whole night. At the end of the night, you'd spend the night as man and wife.

Not long after getting married, you would find out you were pregnant. When you told Chekov he was so excited that he cried tears of joy. During your pregnancy he would be so attentive of your every need. He'd rub your feet, bring you any kind of food you wanted (as long as Doctor McCoy said it was okay), help you get your socks and shoes on, hold your hair back during morning sickness, and hold you in his arms when the hormones got the better of you.

During labour, Chekov would do everything he could to make you feel more comfortable and at ease. He'd rub your shoulders, hold your hand, feed you ice chips, and just talk to you to get your mind off of the pain you were in.

When your baby arrived, you'd be exhausted but happy beyond words. You'd both have tears in your eyes and on your cheeks, and you'd cradle your son or daughter in your arms as you admired how perfect he/she looked. You and Chekov both knew you would be amazing parents and that your child would grow up being so loved and cherished.

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