TNG. Wesley Crusher - Hidden Talents

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Your fingers danced across the keys of the piano on the holodeck as you sung the lyrics of the song being played. You had programmed a room for you to practise your artistic side in—singing, piano playing, dancing, and painting. It was one of your favourite places to be. It was peaceful and quiet so you could focus on what you loved doing best. You didn't always get much time to visit the program, what with school and other people on board using the holodecks. But you went whenever you could and you enjoyed every minute of it.

When you finished the song, someone started clapping behind you and you nearly jumped out of your skin.

You turned quickly and saw Wesley Crusher standing a few feet away, staring at you in awe.

"Wow, Y/N, that was incredible," he enthused.

Your cheeks heated up and you smiled slightly. "Thanks... I didn't hear you come in."

"I didn't want to interrupt," he said. "But you never showed for our tutoring session, so I came looking for you."

Your eyes widened. "Crap, is it 1900 already? I completely lost track of time! I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it," he said kindly as he made his way over to the piano. "You're really talented, by the way."

"Thank you. I've loved music since I was young."

"I wish I was that gifted as you are."

You shook your head in disbelief. "Are you kidding? You're one of the smartest people on board. You're incredibly gifted yourself. If I was half as smart as you, I'd be the smartest person in my class."

Wesley smiled sheepishly and shrugged. "Knowing about physics and ship's engineering is one thing but knowing how to create art and music... that's just something I've never been good at."

You smiled. "Maybe I could teach you. As a thank you for you helping me with my classes."

"That would be great."

You stood up. "What do you want to do first? We could paint, dance, or play music."

"I've always wanted to learn how to dance," he admitted.

You smiled. "Computer, play Y/L/N Music Five."

A slow, waltz-worthy classical song came over the speakers. You extended your hand and when Wesley took it you brought him to the middle of the room.

"We'll start with some basic steps first, then we can get into the more intense dances," you told him. "Now, put one of your hands on my waist and the other in my hand."

He gingerly put his hand onto your waist, just barely touching it. He took your hand and held it up at shoulder-level.

You smiled and put your free hand onto his shoulder. "Okay, now I'm going to lead so just follow my footsteps. And please try not to step on my toes."

Wesley grinned. "I'll do my best."

You went through the steps with him several times, slowly stepping back, left, up, and right over and over again until he was moving with confidence.

"You're doing great," you told him.

He looked up from watching your feet and smiled. "I have a great teacher."

"This is really nice," you said. "I don't normally show many people this program, let alone dance with others."

"Why? If I had your artistic talent, I'd want to show it off to everyone."

You shrugged. "I guess I've always been a bit insecure about my talents. I've never been the smartest person ever, and I guess I just feel like sometimes there's a bit of a prejudice around people who aren't smart enough for Starfleet or who don't have an interest in Starfleet."

Wesley shook his head. "I understand where you're coming from, but the people on board would never judge you for being more into art and music than sciences and Starfleet. I bet everyone would love to see you perform."

You smiled. "You really think so?"

"Of course I do."

You then had the realization that he was leading. "Hey, when did you start to lead?"

"I don't know," he replied truthfully. "I guess it was just instinct once I got the hang of the steps."

"You're a quick study."

"I am when my teacher is so fascinating."

You smiled and moved yourself closer. "You think I'm fascinating?"

"Very," he said softly.

"Maybe I'll look into performing at the next talent show," you mused. "But only if you're in the audience. And, only if you come by and help me practise a few times."

"Deal," Wesley said with a smile.

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