Ent. Trip Tucker - "Thank God you're okay."

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You held Trip's hand tightly as you waited for him to wake up in sickbay. A plasma conduit had ruptured in a Jeffery's tube. Trip had rushed to fix it, going in without any protective wear. He managed to repair the damage and stop the plasma from spreading and causing more damage, but not before receiving plasma burns on his arms, chest, and face. He had been knocked unconscious from the pain and was quickly rushed to sickbay once the Jeffrey's tube was safe for entry. Phlox repaired most of the damage to his nerves and skin but said Trip would endure some pain for the next few days until the nerves were completely healed.

Trip groaned quietly and you stood up quickly.


He turned his head towards the sound of your voice and slowly fluttered his eyes open. His brow furrowed in pain.

"You're okay," you said quickly, placing a hand on the side of his face. "Phlox says you'll be just fine. No permanent damage, but you'll experience some pain for a while until your nerves are fully healed."

Trip nodded slightly. "The plasma conduit," he said, voice a bit hoarse.

"You fixed it," you assured him.

"Ah, Commander Tucker," Phlox said, walking over from his office. "You received second-degree burns to your arms and chest, and first-degree burns on your face. I completed the first round of treatment to your skin and exposed nerves. I have bandaged the second-degree burns to help with healing. You'll need to come in every day for a week until we finish the treatments. You're off duty for two weeks. After the treatments are done, you'll need to rest and allow your body to fully recover. You suffered quite a big trauma."

You knew Trip wanted to argue against the second week but he nodded slightly. "Thanks, Doc."

Phlox dipped his head and left the two of you alone.

Once Phlox was out of earshot, you looked at Trip with a sharp look. "Are you insane or just stupid?"

He blinked in surprise. "S'cuse me?"

"You can't just go rushing into a plasma-filled Jeffery's tube without any protection! You could have died! You're lucky all you got was some second-degree burns. You could have gotten permanent nerve damage. Or the burns could have spread to your organs."

"I had to fix the conduit," he said. "If I didn't go in when I did, the plasma would've spread and damaged the circuitry in engineering. It could've even spread to the warp-core and caused a core breech."

You frowned. "But you could have died, Trip."

"Hey, Phlox said I'll be fine," he said, voice softening.

You gave his hand a squeeze. "Thank God you're okay."

He gave you a small smile. "Y'don't think I'd leave ya, do ya?"

"Well, I'd hope not," you said quietly, the annoyance you felt now diffused and replaced with relief that he's okay. "I was just so worried about you."

"I'm sorry I scared ya," he said, bringing your hand to his lips to give your knuckles a gentle kiss.

You sat down next to him. "I'm sorry I snapped at you. I'm so glad you're okay."

Trip smiled at you. "Think Phlox'd be okay with you lying next to me?"

You smiled. "I think yes. So long as I'm gentle."

Trip opened his arms, inviting you into them. You lay down on the side of the biobed, which was just barely big enough for the both of you. Trip wrapped his arms around you and you carefully put an arm over his torso.

"Does that hurt at all?"

He shook his head. "No. I think I'm still filled with pain killers."

You kissed his jaw softly. "Don't scare me like that again."

"I'll try not to," he promised, though you and he both knew that risk was all part of the job.

"I love you."

"I love you, too," he murmured, leaning in to kiss you.

Star Trek Imagines (Reader-Inserts) Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now