DS9. Garak - Lulled To Sleep

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The Dominion war was taking its toll on everyone, including your husband. He stayed up every day so he could work on decoding and processing encrypted Cardassian messages. He lost sleep in hope that the messages would help Starfleet and its allies.

You shuffled out into the living room of your quarters, heavy blanket wrapped around your shoulders and trailing behind you on the floor. "Garak, please come to bed," you said sleepily.

He didn't look up from the PADD as he spoke, "I will after I finish this message."

"You said that three messages ago," you protested as you approached him.

Garak looked up at you, a tired smile on his face as he took in your appearance. You looked so small wrapped in the blanket. So small and innocent, like a child unaware of the horrors happening. But your eyes spoke the truth: you were just as bit traumatized by the war as everyone else.

"Sit with me until I finish, my dear," he offered, holding out his hand to you.

With a smile you took it and climbed onto the couch next to him. You shifted and moved some of the blanket over his lap before lying down with your head on his thigh.

"I will be done soon, I promise," Garak said while you got comfy beside him.

You nodded and yawned.

Garak began running his fingers through your hair slowly, gently working out any knots that he encountered. You nestled against him, exhaustion taking over you. Try as you might, you just couldn't keep your eyes awake. Your eyelids fell shut and it didn't take long for you to doze off.

Garak continued to play with your hair. It helped him focus and was comforting to feel you against him.

"All right, my love, I am done" he said after several minutes of you sound asleep on his leg. "Y/N?" he asked when he got no answer.

He set the PADD aside and leaned forward slightly in order to get a better view of your face. A smile spread on his face when he saw that you were asleep. Quietly and carefully, Garak moved your head off of him and stood. He then gathered you in his arms and carried you to the bedroom. You woke slightly and snuggled against his warm chest. You made a soft noise.

"Sleep, my love," he whispered. He didn't have to tell you twice. Garak lay you down on the bed, adjusting the blanket around you. He then climbed in next to you and wrapped his arm around your waist. "I love you, Y/N. Sweet dreams."

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