TNG. Dating Wesley Crusher Would Include...

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One of the crew members setting you two up; probably Will

Will often teasing Wes when he's late for his shift: "Late night with Y/N?"

Wes getting very flustered when someone asks about you or hints at anything remotely connected to you

Wes helping you with your homework and projects, which basically means him taking over and doing the whole thing for you

You being very anxious whenever Wes goes on away missions, especially because he's inexperienced with things like that

Taking things slow for the first little while since you're both so young and don't want to rush into your (possible) first serious relationship

Wes being a perfect gentlemen at all times; pulling out chairs for you, letting you exit the room first, asking you if he can kiss you before he does, introducing you to his mother after the first few dates, and never doing anything you're not comfortable doing

Wes taking you on holodeck dates all the time—it's his favourite place on the ship to take you—and always getting together with Will and Geordi to come up with/make new programs for the two of you

Picard allowing you to enter the bridge every so often to help Wes with something or to spend time with him on laidback days

Beverly being like your mother and adoring you from the second the met you. Her giving you any and all advice she can give about Wes or anything else that may be troubling you

You moving with him when he goes to the academy and, if you're interested in Starfleet, joining him at school

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