Ent. Malcolm Reed - You're Ill

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"Didn't Doctor Phlox prescribe you bedrest?" Malcolm asked, startling you at your station.

You turned your head to look at him, a little bit of annoyance on your face. "I'm fine."

"Really?" he asked. "So speaking just now didn't make your throat hurt?"

You opened your mouth to retaliate, but decided against it. He was right of course. Your throat was killing you and speaking only made it worse. You shrugged instead and looked back at your console.

"Y/N," Malcolm said, gently but sternly. "You really do need to rest."

"I got bored," you replied quietly, trying not to make your sore throat any worse than it already was.

Without warning, Malcolm put his freezing cold hand onto your forehead. You flinched back. "Jeez, Malcolm, your hand is like ice," you said.

"Is it?" he asked, touching his own face his with hand. "It feels fine to me. Y/N, I think you've got a fever."

You shook your head, the motion making you momentarily dizzy. "I'm probably just warm from working so hard."

"That isn't much better, considering you're supposed to be in bed."

You scowled at him. "But—"

"No buts. The doctor told you to rest. You're not going to get any better if you continue to push yourself like this."

You frowned and Malcolm folded his arms over his chest. He raised an eyebrow, almost in a challenging way. You sighed and nodded slightly.

"Okay," you said. "Fine, you win."

Malcolm wrapped an arm around your waist and led you out. "We'll check in with Doctor Phlox and then go to my quarters, all right? I'll stay with you while you rest so you don't get so bored."

You smiled slightly. "You don't have to."

"I want to," he said as you two made your way to sickbay. "I want to help you get better, Y/N. I hate seeing you in pain. If I can help by just being with you, then that's what I'll do."

"Do you know any stories?"


"Stories," you repeated. "Fictional tales you were told as a kid, or stories that you've made up. It hurts to talk too much, but I don't want to just sit in silence."

Malcolm smiled softly. "I can probably think of a few."

You leaned up to kiss his cheek, then stopped yourself. You didn't want to increase Malcolm's chances of getting sick.

Surprising you, Malcolm pressed his lips to your temple. It was rare that Malcolm showed PDA. You smiled affectionately.

After visiting sickbay, Phlox had determined that you did in fact have a fever. He gave you medicine for that and yet again instructed that you rest. Malcolm assured him he would make sure you rested for at least another day.

At his quarters, you lay on Malcolm's bed, heavy head resting on his pillows. Malcolm sat on his bed with his back against the wall. He pulled your legs onto his lap and rubbed your shins gently. You sighed in content and let your muscles relax into the bed. The medicine Phlox gave you was making you tired, and the comfortable bed wasn't doing anything to counteract that effect.

Malcolm watched you, smiling as he saw you getting comfortable. "Now, once upon a time..."

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