Ent. Jonathan Archer - "When did I say you could spoon me?"

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You pulled the emergency rations out of their compartment as the captain set up temporary beds. While trying to land on an uninhabited planet to collect plant and soil samples, the shuttle malfunctioned due to electrostatic storm in the planet's atmosphere. Long story short, you landed and had to wait out the storm before you could leave. The landing had been a bit rough, but neither of you were hurt.

"Bed's set up," Jon said, settling under a blanket. "May not be overly comfortable, but it should keep us warm."

You shot him a smile as you brought the food over. "Well, this may not be overly tasty, but it should keep us full."

Jon smirked and took his share, watching as you sat beside him.

After eating in silence, you lay down in the makeshift bed. There were three blankets, which meant you each got one for warmth and had to share the third as a pillow. You faced away from him.

"If we had found a cave, we could've started a fire to keep us warm," Jon muttered while he lay down.

You nodded. "At least the shuttle will keep us dry from the rain."

Jon hummed in agreement. "Get some rest. We'll continue repairs in the morning once we have some light."

"Goodnight, Captain."

"Night, Y/N."

You woke up in the morning feeling colder than an ice-covered asteroid. You silently cursed the blanket for being so thin. Then, you realized a weight draped over your waist. You slowly turned, eyes widening when you saw John inches from you. He must have felt you shift, for he opened his eyes slowly.

"Morning," he whispered.

You gave him a nod. "Um, Captain. I don't mean to sound... out of line, but when did I say you could spoon me?"

Jon's brow creased, then his eyes widened with realization and he pulled his arm away. "Sorry. I uh, vaguely remember waking up in the night because of you shivering. I moved closer, hoping my body heat might help... I guess I subconsciously put my arm around you..."

You bit your lip. "Um, well, thanks. It uh, helped a bit."

He nodded, staring at you for a few moments. "You know, this shuttle was roomier before I realized I'm attracted to you."

You felt a blush creep up your neck, and were slightly thankful for the heat it brought. "Actually, I think this shuttle was roomier before you spooned me against my will."

Jon smiled slightly. "So you didn't like it, then?"

"I didn't say that," you replied slowly.

Jon chuckled and shook his head. "Well, next time you're freezing in the middle of the night, I'll make sure to wake you up before I put my arm around you. Unless of course you don't want to repeat this."

It took all your courage to say your next comment, but it made you feel good after saying it: "I wouldn't mind this being repeated... although I think it would be more enjoyable in one of our quarters."

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