Ent. Malcolm Reed - Destiny

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A/N: Based off of the episode 3x21 aka E². For those who don't remember that episode, it's when Enterprise is in the expanse and runs into a future version of Enterprise with their descendants on board and most people find out who they ended up marrying in that timeline. After rewatching the episode, I had this idea and I decided to just roll with it. Enjoy!

When you had read the records from the future Enterprise, you were surprised to learn who you wound up dating, marrying, and eventually having children with. None other than Lieutenant Malcolm Reed, your friend and the man you'd had a crush on for ages. Not that he knew, of course. You never thought he'd feel the same way, but now, after seeing the records, you had a flicker of hope that maybe, just maybe, you two would work out.

You had tried to talk to him all day, but every time you approached him, he said he was busy with one task or another. Now, after both your shifts ended, you rang the chime to his quarters and just hoped you knew what to say to him. Sure, you'd tried to practice what you were going to say, but you knew that when it came down to it, you'd be tongue tied and flustered.

The door opened, revealing Malcolm in sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"Y/N," he said, "do you need something?"

"I was hoping we could talk," you managed to say. You chewed the inside of your lip nervously.

"I was about to turn in," he said. "Maybe another time?"

"You've been avoiding me all day. Please?" you asked softly, not trying to sound whiney.

Malcolm looked at you for a few minutes, then nodded slightly and stepped aside to let you in.

You stepped into his quarters and he shut the door.

"How are the upgrades coming along?" you asked.

"Fine," Malcolm replied, raising an eyebrow at you. "I know you didn't come here to talk about upgrades to the ship."

"No," you admitted. You ran your hand through your hair. "Did you look at the reports from the other ship? About... the other versions of us?"

He nodded silently.

Your heart beat faster. So he knew you two had ended up together. Did that mean he didn't want to be with you in this timeline? He had been avoiding you all day.

"Pretty weird, huh?" you asked nervously. "Seeing our ship like that. Meeting these people that are somehow our descendants... Knowing what our future could be like."

"It's one possible future," Malcolm said dismissively. "Now that the other Enterprise has contacted us, those events are unlikely to occur the same way."

"But it's a future nonetheless, and it's a future of us." You looked away from him and stared out the window. "Doesn't it count for anything?"

Malcolm shook his head and was about to step closer to you, but hesitated. "What happened on board that Enterprise won't happen on board this one is we're successful."

"You're right, but still... Some of the events could still happen. We obviously have feelings for each other. If we didn't, we'd have never gotten together on the other ship."

"Y/N—" he said, then cut himself off.

"Why were you avoiding me today?" you blurted out, looking back at him. "Does the idea of being with me freak you out so much that you can't even stand to be around me?"

"No," he scoffed. "But just because the versions of us on that ship ended up together doesn't mean we will."

You frowned and your heart sunk. "Oh. I guess that answers my next question."

"Which was?" he prompted.

You shrugged meekly. "It's stupid. Forget it."

He approached you then. "I'm not going to just forget this, Y/N. What did you want to ask me?"

You met his gaze. "If there was a possibility of us having a future together in this timeline."

Malcolm was quiet for a few moments. Then, he nodded ever so slightly and said, "Yes, of course there is."

A burst of excitement rushed through you. "Then why were you avoiding me?"

"Because this isn't exactly the best time to start a relationship," he said, not unkindly. "We're in the middle of a war, Y/N. There are battles practically every day. People are dying left to right! One of us could die tomorrow for all we know."

"Then isn't it the perfect time to start a relationship?" you asked quietly. "If one of us were to die, wouldn't you rather us have taken the chance and started the relationship before it was too late?"

"Y/N," he said slowly, then sighed and took a step back.

You summoned every ounce of your courage and said, "Dammit, Malcolm, I love you! I'm in love with you! If the other you and I can make it work, then hell, why can't we?"

"Because I'm afraid of losing you!" he exclaimed. "I love you so much that I'm afraid to let you into my heart only to watch you die in front of me!" He shook his head and lowered his voice. "If I fully let you in and you... died, I'd never recover."

Your face softened and you reached out to him. "Malcolm..."

"I may act tough and fearless, but I'm scared as hell."

You took his hands. "It's okay to be scared. Being scared means that you have something worth losing and worth fighting for."

He squeezed your hands slightly. "I don't want to lose you."

"I wish I could promise that you won't. But I can promise that I'll do everything I can to make you feel less scared during this time."

"Even though I'm terrified of losing you, I feel the least scared when I'm around you," Malcolm admitted.

You smiled. "I feel the same way."

"All right," he said after a few moments of silence.

"All right what?"

"Let's do it."

Your smile widened. "Do what?" you teased. "Date? Get married? Have kids?"

Malcolm laughed lightly. "Why don't we start with dating and see where things go?"

You wrapped your arms around his neck. "So if we're dating, does that mean I can kiss you now?"

Malcolm leaned in closer, a smile on his face. "Please do."

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