TNG. Will Riker - "I love you."

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As you opened the door to your quarters, you turned to smile at Will. "I had a really fun time tonight."

He smiled back at you. "I did, too."

"Be sure to thank Geordi for me for letting us use his program," you said.

Will dipped his head. "I'll make sure to give it a five-star rating."

You laughed lightly. "Do you want to stay for a bit?"

"I thought you'd never asked," he said as he followed you into your quarters.

You and Will had been dating for a few months now. Deanna had initially set the two of you, claiming you were perfect for one another. Turns out she was right. The two of you had been nearly inseparable ever since your first date, and pretty much everyone on board knew you two were an item.

"Want something to drink?" you asked, heading for your replicator.

"I'll have whatever you're having," he replied.

You replicated two glasses of your favourite drink and handed one to Will. "Cheers," you said, clinking your glass against his.

He grinned as he took a sip. "Are you looking forward to the away mission next week?"

"Yeah, it should be fun," you said. "So long as none of us catch any weird virus from the surface."

Will chuckled. "If you do, I'll make sure to nurse you back to health."

The corners of your eyes wrinkled slightly as you smiled. "What do you know about nursing someone back to health?"

"Well," he said, moving closer to you, "I know that lots of rest is required, and if you didn't know, I'm a pretty great cuddler."

"Believe me, I know."

He smiled down at you and kissed your forehead. "And I'm a good chef, so I could make any meal your heart desired."

"That sounds nice," you murmured.

"And I can provide you with as much love and comfort as you needed."

"You're almost making me wish that I do contract some illness, just so you can pamper me afterwards," you mused with a smirk.

Will laughed and you started to laugh wit him. At the sound of your laughter, his heart fluttered and he trailed off, watching you with admiration.

"What?" you asked, brow furrowing as he stared at you.

"Nothing," he said. "I just... Y/N, I love you."

Your eyes widened and you felt a blush creep to your cheeks. A wide smile pulled at your lips. "I love you, too."

Will put his free hand on your waist and he gently pulled you closer to him until your bodies were touching. You tilted your chin up and smiled as you felt his lips press onto yours.

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