Ent. Malcolm Reed - You're Taken Hostage

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You and Malcolm trekked through the thick forest of the unexplored planet. It was your job to make sure the land was safe; the sensors on the ship were malfunctioning due to a certain element in the planet's atmosphere.

"Kind of pretty," you commented, looking around at the dull-green trees.

"Hm. Not as nice as Earth, but I suppose it's all right."

You flashed him a smile. "Nothing is as nice as Earth. Except maybe your face."

Malcolm looked at you with a smirk. "Is that so?"

You nodded and approached a cave. "Wonder what's in here."

He shrugged and peered into the darkness. "Too dark for us to tell. We don't have any torches."

"You British people have a weird name for flashlights."

He scoffed. "Torch makes sense. Flashlight just sounds dumb."

You shrugged, waving him off. "Whatever. You also say toe-mah-toe."

"Better than toe-may-toe," he countered.

You smiled, shrugging again.

Malcolm was about to say another retort when a figure appeared out of the cave. They had spotted skin and sharp teeth protruding out of their mouth.

"Who are you?" he asked, the communicator translating for you.

Malcolm stepped in front of you. "I am Lieutenant Malcolm Reed from the Starship Enterprise."

"You're trespassing," the alien snarled. "You will be punished."

"We didn't know," Malcolm said quickly. "I'm sorry, we'll leave."

"No! You must be punished!" He shoved Malcolm aside quickly and grabbed your arm roughly, making you wince.

"Let her go!" Malcom shouted.

The alien grinned and pressed a button on his coat. While you struggled, Malcolm watched as you were beamed away with the alien.

He stared at the spot where you had been, throat constricting. They were going to kill you. He knew it. They said you had to be punished—they would kill you. He saw a small ship take off and head for the atmosphere. He knew you were on there, and he knew you didn't have much time left.

Malcolm pulled out his communicator. "Reed to Enterprise." His voice was shaking, and he quickly cleared his throat.

"Enterprise here," Archer replied.

"Something's happened, Captain," Malcolm said. "There were aliens living here. They... they said we were trespassing. They took Y/N. Their ship just took off. They might've detected Enterprise, sir."

"Damn," Archer whispered. "Get back to the shuttle and come back to the ship. We'll deal with them once you're back."

"Yes, sir."

Malcolm started to make his way to the shuttle when the captain spoke again, "We'll get them back, Malcolm."


When the alien who had taken you appeared on the viewscreen, Malcolm's blood boiled. He clenched his jaw and bit his tongue to prevent him from snapping. His gaze was hard, and he only hoped the captain would be able to rescue you safely.

"Why have you taken one of my crew?" Archer asked calmly. Malcolm couldn't understand how he could be so calm in a time like this. You were taken—abducted by that awful alien! Wasn't the captain more concerned?

"I need them," the alien answered in a raspy voice. "As a... bargaining chip."

The captain's eyebrows furrowed. "What would you like in exchange for her safe return?"

"You've trespassed," he said, ignoring the question.

"We didn't know anyone lived here," Archer told him. "You have our deepest apologies."

The alien snorted. "You can show us how sorry you are by sharing some of your technology with us."

"We're not usually in the habit of giving our technology to other species," Archer said slowly. He looked at Malcolm, saw his anxious expression, and said, "Is there anything else you might be interested in? I'm sure my engineers would be more than happy to see if they could upgrade the technology you already have."

The alien looked unimpressed, but mulled it over. "And medical supplies."

The captain nodded. "We can give you that. Now, I would like to see my officer, please. Make sure they're all right."

The alien looked offscreen and nodded.

Another alien brought you into view. Malcolm's worried eyes looked you over quickly - you didn't look hurt.

"Y/L/N," Archer said, "are you okay?"

"Yes, Captain. They haven't hurt me."

"Good. We'll have you back here soon."

You nodded and looked to Malcolm, giving him a soft smile.

"We will dock with your ship and discuss our payment further," the leader of the aliens said.

Archer nodded and the viewscreen went blank.

Malcom visibly and audibly sighed. He shut his eyes momentarily, making a silent promise to himself to never let anything like this happen to you again.

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