AOS/TOS. Jim Kirk - "I can't explain it right now, but I need you to trust me."

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You were woken by someone shaking your shoulders. You groaned, opening your eyes to see Jim hovering over you. "What do you want?" you mumbled.

"We have to go," he said urgently. "Now."

"What? Why?" You pushed yourself into a seated position and frowned at him. "What's wrong?"

"I can't explain right now, but I need you to trust me." He gripped your hand and pulled you to your feet.

"I trust you," you told him, trying to shake the feeling of sleep from your system. You felt abnormally tired and weak, like you'd just ran a marathon. "Did something happen? Are we in danger? Jim, what happened?"

Jim pulled you out of your quarters, and you realized the halls were empty. Red alert was on, the red lights flashing throughout the hallway.

"What's going on?" you asked nervously. "Jim, what the hell did you do?"

"It's complicated," he replied slowly. "Let's just say I pissed off some bad people."

You groaned. "Again? Really?"

He gave you a look. "Yeah, yeah. Lecture me later, okay? Right now we need to leave. It's not safe on here right now. They know this ship. We fought them off, but they'll be back and they'll bring reinforcements. We have to wait until more Starfleet ships can get here."

"Where are we going?"

He brought you to the shuttle bay where one shuttle remained. "There's a small planet close by. The elements in the atmosphere will mask our bio-signs. The rest of the crew are all ready down."

You furrowed your eyebrows. "Why wasn't I woken sooner?"

Jim shook his head slowly and opened the door to the shuttle. "A dangerous gas was released in your quarters, it made you stay unconscious. No one could go in until it was taken out."

You sucked in a slow breath. "Only my quarters?"

He lead you onto the shuttle and shut the door behind you two. You then realized Bones was inside.

"Took you long enough," the doctor grumbled.

Jim ignored him. "The people I pissed off knew I care about you a great deal. They wanted to prove how powerful they were by doing that. Bones says if you weren't all ready sleeping, the gas could have killed you."

As Bones flew the shuttle out of the ship, you sat on the bench and tried to process it all. "So, my heavy sleeping actually saved my life."

Despite the circumstances, Jim smiled as he took a seat next to you. "Thank God you're a heavy sleeper." He pressed his lips to your temple and sighed slowly, finally able to be calm now that he knew you were okay.

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