Disco/SNW. Christopher Pike - Mentor

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A/N: For future imagines about Pike and Disco Spock, I'll be putting SNW in the title since they're going to have their own show (Strange New Worlds). This imagine has implications/mentions that the reader had been in an abusive and/or manipulative relationship.

"Is this seat taken?"

You looked up to see your commanding officer, Christopher Pike, standing in front of your table with a cup of coffee in his hand.

You shook your head and smiled softly. "Please."

He sat across from you and looked at the PADD in your hands. "What are you reading?"

"Just going over a report," you replied.

"Your off duty, Y/N. You should be relaxing," he said gently.

You shrugged. "There's always more work to do."

"I heard Number One was having a bit of a get together tonight," Christopher said, "are you not going?"

"I wanted to get this report finished," you told him.

"Mind if I give you a bit of advice?" he asked, leaning forward on his elbows.

You nodded. You always welcomed his advice. Not only was he your captain, he was also a mentor and a friend. You valued his insights.

"You should try to socialize more," he said. "I've noticed that you spend most of your time alone."

"I like being alone," you said, looking away. That was true for the most part. You liked your alone time. And you liked the fact that there was no way someone could hurt you if you didn't spend time with anyone.

Christopher sighed softly. "I know it's hard for you to open up to people. Anyone with a past like yours would find it difficult to trust others," he said gently. "But keeping to yourself constantly isn't going to do you any good. Even if you just socialize one night a week, I promise it'll help you break out of your shell and feel more comfortable around the rest of the crew."

You frowned, momentarily regretting the fact that he knew of your past. He knew how hurt you had been by someone who was supposed to love you. He knew how closed off you had become and how deeply rooted your trust issues were. But, he also knew that you deserved to be happy and you deserved to feel loved and comfortable around others again. So far, he was the only one you truly trusted on board.

"I want to help, Y/N. I want you to know that I'm here for you if you ever need any advice." He gently touched your hand. "And if you ever need some company, I'm here for that too."

A small smile spread on your face and you nodded. "Thank you."

"Your past may have had rough patches, but don't let it define your future," he said, taking his hand back.

"You give some pretty good advice," you mused.

Christopher smiled. "It's one of the requirements of becoming a captain."

You smiled softly and stood up. "I'm going to turn in early. Thank you for the advice. I appreciate it."

He dipped his head in a small nod.

"Maybe..." You met his gaze. "Maybe we can grab dinner sometime this week."

His smile widened. "Just let me know when. You know where to find me."

You nodded and left before you could take back your offer. But, much to your surprise, you didn't feel the urge to do that anyway.

Star Trek Imagines (Reader-Inserts) Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now