Voy. Icheb - First Date

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The chime to your quarters rang, and you couldn't stop the smile from spreading across your face. "Come in," you called, walking out to the living room.

The door opened and Icheb stepped inside, a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

Your smile widened. "How thoughtful! You didn't have to get me flowers."

Icheb moved closer to you, handing the flowers to you. "I wanted to. They're from the aeroponics bay. I helped grow them."

You sniffed them. "They're lovely, thank you. Let me just get a vase for them and then we can leave."

He nodded and watched as you replicated a vase of water, placed the flowers into it, and then displayed the flowers on your coffee table.

"Beautiful," you commented.

"As are you," Icheb said, though he sounded a bit awkward saying it.

You looked to him and smiled. "You're so sweet. Thank you. You look nice, too."

He dipped his head. "Thank you. I had Tom Paris help me find an appropriate outfit."

You smirked. "Well, I'll have to make sure to thank him when I see him next."

Icheb extended his arm to you. "Shall we go?"

When you walked into the holodeck, you gasped at how amazing it looked. You stood in the entrance of a grand ballroom, sparkling chandelier over your heads, white curtains covering the walls, and a set table in the centre.

"Oh, wow."

"Is it not to your satisfaction?" Icheb asked worriedly. "I can find a different program if you would prefer."

"No," you said quickly. "No, it's perfect. I love it. I just didn't expect you to go this... extravagant."

He led you to the table and pulled your chair out for you. You thanked him as you sat, and he pushed the chair in further.

He sat across from you and said, "Computer, activate wait staff."

A waiter dressed in a tuxedo appeared in front of the table. "Good evening. May I offer either of you a drink?"

You smiled softly. "Just water, please."

"The same for me," Icheb said.

The waiter nodded and strode off.

Then, a waitress in a black dress approached with menus. "I'll leave you two with the menus and check back in a few minutes."

"Thank you."

She smiled a toothy smile then left you two to look at the menus.

"Creamy-alfredo leola root penne?" you asked with a laugh.

"I had Neelix prepare a few dishes," Icheb told you. "Some fit the theme of this restaurant, others have his own twist to them."

You raised your eyebrows. "Wow. You went all out, huh?"

Icheb folded his hands on the edge of the table. "I researched how to have the perfect first date. I watched old movies and read a few romance novels. I also asked Tom Paris for advice about where to take you and how to act. Is it to your satisfaction so far?"

You smiled, touched by his actions, but... "Oh, Icheb. Everything is lovely, but I really don't want a perfect date. Or even a perfect gentleman. I just want to spend time with you. I would have been fine with eating in the messhall. A date isn't about the place or activity, it's about the company."

"I see." Icheb frowned slightly. "I guess I still have a lot to learn about dating."

You reached across the table and took his hand in yours. "It's okay. I'll help you."

"Thank you. Perhaps after we eat we can skip the ball dancing I had planned and go to your quarters instead."

"That sounds great," you said with a grin. "Now, what do you say we have some of that leola root pasta?"

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