TNG. Being In A Relationship With Data Would Include...

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Him being awkward at first because he's never been in a relationship and doesn't really understand the thing fully

Him always being insecure about whether or not he's doing things right, like if he's kissing you properly or if he's holding your hand comfortably

"Is this position adequate?"

"Do you prefer more or less tongue when we kiss?"

"Is this comfortable for you?"

"Did that hurt?"

"Can I hold your hand now, Y/N?"

"Tell me if you'd like me to improve in any aspect."

You always assuring him he's being a perfect boyfriend, and that he need not worry about his "techniques"

"So, I am preforming well, then?"

"Data, you're preforming perfectly."

You'd teach him the different affectionate styles you enjoyed, and what aspects of romance portrayed in literature you liked or disliked

Data would constantly refer to romance stories for ideas or knowledge. Eventually, though, he'd ask Riker for help after certain things he tried didn't work

Riker teasing the two of you with phrases like, "Love birds" which would always confuse Data and result in, "Love birds, sir?" making you and Riker laugh with one another

Data being protective over you on away missions and always wanting to stay by your side in case you need protection from anything or anyone, but he wouldn't realize he was being protective. To him, it'd be only natural to be worried about his significant other and wanting to make sure they're safe

Him always offering to assist you in any task you're struggling with, even if it's something as simple as organizing your clothes

You always being so anxious whenever something malfunctions, and helping Geordi in whatever way you can to repair Data

You adoring Spot (even if you're not a cat person) and practically adopting him as your own. Data would sometimes be slightly offended if Spot chose your lap to sit on over his, but he would learn to appreciate the affection you and Spot have for one another

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