Voy. Dating Seven Of Nine Would Include...

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It would take Seven quite some time to realize she had feelings for you. She would first be drawn to your intelligence and talent in your field of study. She admires hard work and efficiency, and she would often compliment you on your work—which would be high praise from her when she was first settling in.

She would speak to The Doctor about her "symptoms", thinking she was ill: increased heartrate, catching of breath, loss of concentration, and funny feelings in her stomach which all increased when you were in the room. The Doctor would gently tell her that there was nothing wrong with her, she just had romantic feelings for you.

After doing research in the database and speaking to a few members of the crew—mainly Tom and Tuvok—she would invite you to dinner. Well, it would be more like her telling you that you two were having dinner and if you wished for it to be, it could be a date.

The first little bit of your relationship would be a little rocky. Seven would still be trying to figure out her sexuality and how to be close to someone. You would be very patient with her and offer advice if she seemed to be struggling, like say if she couldn't figure out when kissing you was appropriate. She would also be rather blunt at times, which could cause some minor arguments, but you two always worked it out.

You would bring her to social gatherings on board and stay by her side the whole time for comfort and moral support. She would be much calmer and more comfortable in social settings if you were with her.

You would make sure to take your relationship slow, since it'd be Seven's first relationship. You'd start by having casual dates every so often, then being more flirtatious and affectionate, and after a while you two would become more intimate. On one hand, she wouldn't see the purpose in waiting to have sex since it's a normal biological need and function. But, on the other, she would appreciate you thinking of her feelings and wanting her to be comfortable and happy. And, in the end, she would be grateful to have waited for you two to be closer before being intimate.

After you and Seven had been dating for a while, she would move into your quarters. B'Elanna would move Seven's regeneration chamber into your room so she could live with you easily.

On days when you were tired or feeling down, Seven would try her best to cheer you up. She would let you vent and ramble, remaining quiet as you got everything off your chest. She would then do her best to offer you advice, which you may or may not want all the time but nonetheless appreciate. She would also offer to get your mind off of things by doing a number of activities like visiting the holodeck, going to the mess-hall for something to eat, or singing with her.

You two would love to sing together. You'd do duets with her, which would probably make The Doctor jealous.

Seven wouldn't be the best at expressing her feelings through words. She would show you she cared and loved you through her actions and sometimes through songs. She would do things like asking you how your day was, bringing you food if you were working through a mealtime, tidying up your quarters for you, helping you with difficult tasks and projects, and protecting you from hostile aliens or natural elements when on a new planet.

You would love to explore new interests and hobbies of Seven's. You'd try new things with her all the time, encouraging her to just do her best and have fun. That might not always fly with her since she strives for perfection. But, she would love you for your constant support and patience with her and would thank you often for how much you helped her grow as a person.

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