DS9. Weyoun - "You're the only one for me." [NSFW]

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A/N: Female reader, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (under the assumption that there's different birth control methods in the future)

As you were laughing at Quark's witty remark, Weyoun was frowning into his drink beside you at the bar. He wasn't jealous. Why would he be jealous that another man was making his girlfriend laugh? Why would he be jealous that said man had an obvious crush on you? No, Weyoun wasn't jealous. Not at all.

"Another drink?" Quark asked you with a smile.

You smiled, but shook your head. "Thanks, but I think I've had enough."

"Are you sure? It'll be on the house," Quark said.

Weyoun shot him a glare. "She said no."

Quark held up his hands. "All right, all right."

You looked at your boyfriend. "Are you ready to head home?"

He nodded curtly and stood up from the uncomfortable barstool. He wrapped his arm around your waist and kissed your cheek.

You smiled but gave him a confused look. It wasn't often that Weyoun showed PDA around the station. You decided to ignore it, though, and went with Weyoun to the turbolift.

"You okay?" you asked when you reached the level of your shared quarters. "You haven't said anything since we left Quark's, and you seem... tense."

"I'm fine," he replied, but you knew that wasn't true. He walked briskly to your quarters, shoulder muscles tight.

You frowned as you followed him. "Did I do something to upset you?"

"No, of course not," he replied. He opened the door and let you go in first.

"Then why do you seem upset?" you asked.

Weyoun shrugged and kicked his shoes off. "It's nothing. Stupid, really."

You took his hand gently. "If it's making you upset, it isn't stupid."

He faced you but didn't meet your gaze. "Quark was making you laugh a lot."

"Yeah, he's a friend," you told him. "Wait, you're not jealous, are you?"

"No," he scoffed unconvincingly.

You smiled softly. "Weyoun, Quark is just a friend. Yeah, he makes me laugh, but so do lots of other people. And so do you. Besides, I'm not in love with Quark. I'm in love with you."

Weyoun shrugged meekly. "Forgive me, Y/N. I... have never been in a relationship like this before. It is all new to me and these feelings can be... unnerving."

"It's okay to get jealous," you told him. "It's a very common emotion. But you have no need to be jealous because I love you."

A tiny smiled pulled at his lips. "I love you as well."

"Let me prove to you that you have nothing to be worried about," you said, sliding your hands down his shoulders slowly.

He said nothing as you moved your fingers down his sides and to the hem of his shirt. As you slid your hands underneath the fabric, he sucked in a slow breath. You watched his expression as you pulled his shirt off; his eyes were bright, his cheeks were flushed, and a faint smile pulled at his lips.

You pressed your lips to his jaw softly as you tossed his shirt away. His hands went to hold your waist and he pulled you closer.

You kissed down his neck slowly, sucking on the skin gently as you went.

He tilted his head back, Adam's apple moving as he swallowed hard.

"You're the only one for me," you murmured, sliding your fingers up to his chest. You pulled away, making him look at you with wide eyes. You simply smiled and pulled him into the bedroom. Once there, you kissed him quickly as your hands moved to his waistband. Your fingers slid beneath it and you slowly pulled his pants down, crouching before him. You kissed him through his boxers and he groaned.

"I only love you," you said, standing up.

Weyoun kissed you, lips eager against yours. His hands made quick work of your uniform, unzipping the jacket and tossing it to God knows where. He then began to fumble with your bra clasp underneath your shirt, eventually unclasping it with a sigh.

You parted from the kiss to discard your shirt and bra.

Weyoun crawled onto the bed, laying back against the headboard.

You pulled your pants and underwear off and climbed on top of him, straddling his lap. He watched eagerly as you lowered your bum against his hardening member. You gently rubbed yourself against him, making both of you moan. You moved yourself back and forth, the friction between you two quickly making him hard and you wet, leaving a damp mark on his tight underwear.

Weyoun held onto your hips as you started to get into a steady rhythm. He leaned his head back, soft moans leaving his lips.

You bit down on your lower lip as your clit rubbed against him.

"I want to be inside of you," he said after a few minutes.

You smiled and nodded. You moved off of him and he lifted his hips off the bed to let you pull his underwear down to his knees. You straddled him again, lowering yourself onto him. The room filled with moans as you moved him into you. His hips thrust up and the two of you quickly started moving in sync with one another.

"I'm almost there," Weyoun murmured through a moan.

You nodded and quickened the pace. "Me too."

Soon, Weyoun was moaning your name loudly as his load filled you. His back arched and he threw his head back into the pillows, a mixture of moans and groans coming from his mouth.

Shortly after, your own orgasm hit. You slowed your pace as your body convulsed in pleasure. A string of profanity left your mouth as your body filled with bliss.

Once both of your highs were over, you moved off of him and collapsed beside him.

"I love you, you know that, right?" you asked as you caught your breath.

Weyoun nodded, turning his head to look at you. "Yes, I know. I love you as well."

You smiled and kissed him softly.

"Maybe we should get cleaned up," he suggested. "Then we can relax for the rest of the evening."

"Or we could have another round in the shower," you suggested, wiggling your eyebrows.

Weyoun smiled and stood up slowly. "Perhaps."

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