AOS/TOS. Leonard "Bones" McCoy - Study Date

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A/N: SolveniaReader95 requested this. It's based at the academy, before anyone is assigned to the Enterprise. Sorry for not updating in a few weeks - it's been pretty crazy, as I'm sure all of you can imagine/know. I hope you're all staying safe and healthy. xx

You lay on the floor of your bedroom at Starfleet Academy, arms and legs sprawled over the many piles of books and papers around you. When the chime to your quarters rang, you sighed heavily. "It's open," you called out. You heard the door open and you craned your neck to look. You saw Leonard stepping in, quirking his head to the side as he looked at you.

"Y'all right down there?" he asked.

"Peachy," you replied.

Leonard came over and sat down on the floor next to you. "I take it the studying isn't going too well."

You shrugged. "It was fine until I realized that there's no point to this and I'm going to fail miserably."

He shook his head. "What makes you say that? You're brilliant, Y/N."

You laughed lightly. "I'm not. I like to pretend that I'm smart, but I'm only good at remembering random facts that don't relate."

"Maybe you just need a different approach to your studying," he suggested. He picked up your notes. "What have you been doing so far?"

"I've read over everything at least five times, but still nothing's sticking." You sighed and pushed yourself up into a seated position. "It's hopeless, Len."

"Nothing's hopeless, darlin'. Well, except maybe Jim trying to pass the Kobayashi Maru again."

You smiled slightly at that.

Leonard took a quick glance over your notes. "Intro to neuroanatomy, huh?"

You nodded. "I know you took it two years ago, so you probably think it's super easy."

"Trying to understand the brain is never easy," he replied. "It's essentially the brain trying to make sense of itself, and sometimes it has an existential crisis and just doesn't want to comprehend anything."

A small laugh left your lips. "I guess you could put it that way."

Leonard smiled softly. "Have you tried making up practise questions and then testing yourself on those? That's helped me for some classes."

You shook your head. "No, I guess it can't hurt, right?"

"How about I help you study?" he offered.

You smiled. "Len, that's really sweet of you, but don't you have your own exams to study for?"

Leonard shrugged. "I've been studying all day. I could use a break. Besides, you look like you could use some company right now."

Your smile widened. "In that case, can we go on the bed where it's more comfortable?"

"Sure, darlin'."

You two climbed onto your bed, Leonard leaning against your headboard with you laying your head in his lap.

He stroked your hair gently. "Why is the blood-brain barrier important?"

You thought for a moment, then said, "It filters which substances can enter the brain?"

"Mhm, and what substances can easily pass through the blood-brain barrier?"

"Um, lipid-soluble molecules, I think."

"Right again." He rubbed your shoulder gently. "See? You remember more than you think you do."

You looked up at him and smiled. "Ask me another."

Leonard skimmed your notes, his free hand mindlessly playing with your hair. "All right, describe Korsakoff's Syndrome.

"Uh. Something to do with thiamine deficiency," you said slowly. "Don't tell me, I can get it."

He hummed in response and waited.

You closed your eyes and thought back to your notes. "Korsakoff's Syndrome is brain damage resulting from prolonged thiamine deficiency. The brain needs thiamine to aid in metabolizing glucose, and without glucose there is shrinking or a loss of neurons within the brain."

"Good, and what can lead to the prolonged thiamine deficiency?"

"Alcohol abuse," you answered.

"Correct," he said with a smile. "You're doing great, Y/N."

You opened your eyes and smiled at him. "Thank you for doing this, Len. I really appreciate you helping me."

"Ah don't mention it. I'm doing it for selfish reasons anyway."

You smirked and raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah?"

He nodded, playful smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "I just wanted to spend some time with ya' today is all."

"Well, whatever despite your reasons, I couldn't have asked for a better study partner."

Leonard leaned down and you lifted your head to meet him halfway. You two shared a short, but sweet kiss for a few moments.

"Thank you for believing in me," you murmured.

"I'll always believe in you, darlin'," he replied before kissing you again.

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