DS9. Garak - Rescue Party

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A/N: kate_the_dork requested this. Also a reminder that a have a Ko-Fi account if anyone is able to support me there! The link is in the description on my account.

"Tell me the codes!" the Jem'Hadar soldier shouted, hitting you across the face yet again.

You spat blood at him. "Go to hell."

He growled in anger and punched the gut.

You grunted, but didn't give him the satisfaction of screaming out, even if every part of your body was crying out in pain.

He grabbed your face. "Tell me what I want to know and I can stop all this pain."

You glared at him. "I'll never tell you anything."

"Wrong choice." He shoved you, causing the chair you were tied against to tip over. You landed painfully on your side. The next thing you felt was a sharp pain to your gut. After the stars in your vision dissipated, you registered that the Jem'Hadar had kicked you.

"I'll come back," he snarled. "When I do, I hope you'll be more cooperative."

The toe of his boot made contact with your forehead, causing your vision to go black. He left you there, lying on the cold flor with your hands and feet tied to the chair. When the door shut, you were left in darkness.

In your half-conscious state, you heard the door to your cell creaking open.

"Y/N!" an urgent voice said.

You forced your eyes to open slightly and you squinted against the bright light coming from the hallway. You saw a figure crouch in front of you as another went behind the chair.

"What did they do to you?" the figure before you asked, voice a mixture of sad and angry.

Your vision cleared enough for you to recognize who it was. "Garak?" you asked, voice breaking with relief.

Garak brought his hand to your face gently. "I'm here, my dear. Are you all right?"

"I'll live," you replied. You felt your hands being untied and your arm fell to your side with exhaustion. Then, your feet were loose, and you groaned as you stretched them out.

Julian appeared from behind you and he took out a medical tricorder. He scanned you and frowned. "You have internal bleeding and a concussion, but you should recover shortly after we get you back to the station."

You nodded slightly and Garak helped you sit up.

"We should go quickly," Worf said, appearing in the doorway. "I took out the guards and Odo disabled their weapons from the shuttle, but no doubt there'll be more guards soon."

"How did you find me?" you asked as Julian and Garak helped you to your feet. You leaned heavily against Garak, who held you close to him, but was careful not to put pressure on your injuries.

"It wasn't easy," Julian admitted, walking beside you and Garak in case you needed an extra body to lean on. "We were able to track down the warp trail of the runabout, but it only led us part of the way. Worf was able to adjust the sensors to pick up the ion trail of this Jem'Hadar vessel."

You nodded. "Thank you."

"Worf to Rio Grande, four to transport."

The next thing you knew, you were on board the runabout. Garak and Julian helped you into a chair as Worf went to help Odo with the controls.

"Thank you for saving me," you said to Garak, who was sitting next to you.

He took your hand gently. "Of course, my dear. You didn't think I'd let the rescue party go without me, did you?"

You smiled slightly and gave his hand a squeeze. "No, I know you'll always come to my rescue when I need you."

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