TNG. Will Riker Being A Father Figure To You Would Include...

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You always going to him for advice, whether the issue is small or big

Always venting and ranting to him when you need to get something off your chest

Him giving you his honest opinion, even if it's not what you want to hear

Him also being kind and gentle when you're upset, and knowing just what to do or say to make you feel better

You trusting him more than anyone else

Him being protective over you and always checking in on you, more so when you're on an away mission; he'd call every few minutes just to make sure you're okay

Him talking to Deanna when he thinks you're upset about something and won't tell him what it is; he'd just want you to talk to someone about it, even if it's not him

Deanna being very close to you as well and the three of you would spend time together frequently

You going to his quarters at least once a week to have a meal with him. He'd cook for you and often try out new recipes for you

Him trying to set you up with someone on board, though it'd probably be very awkward and you'd just get embarrassed by it

Him speaking very fondly of you to the other members of the crew; always saying what a good job you did, or how kind and caring you are. He would even put in recommendations to Picard about you - whether it be more tasks or missions or even promotions

You trying to impress him often, doing more than your best at the tasks on hand to try and make him proud

But, of course he'd always be proud of you and he'd tell you that often: "Y/N, you don't have to strain yourself trying to impress me, you know. I'll always be proud of you, no matter what the outcome."

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