TNG. Data - Stuck On A Cold Planet

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After crash landing on a planet with extreme temperatures, Data found a cave for you two to stay in overnight. The shuttle was too badly damaged to produce any heating. Data also decided that a cave would be less obvious than a shuttle, just in case any of the planet's inhabitants wandered near. The cave was cold, though not nearly as cold as outside. Icicles hung from the ceiling and the walls were coated in a thin layer of ice, as well. Moonlight shone through small holes in the ceiling, giving you a small amount of light.

Data fired his phaser at a rock before you two. The energy from the weapon heated up the rock and made it glow red. It wasn't much heat, but it was better than nothing.

"Is that better?" he asked, putting his phaser back into its holder.

You sat down next to it and held your hands out. You nodded, though you were still shivering. "Yeah, thanks."

Data watched you for a moment, then crouched down. "You are still cold."

"I'll be okay." You tried to open a rations pack, but your numb fingers just couldn't seem to work. You tried again, only this time the pack fell from your hands.

Data picked it up and tore it open with ease, then handed it back to you.

You met his gaze as you took it. "Thanks."

He dipped his head and sat. As you ate the flavourless bar, Data fired at the rock again, that at a few others around you. Soon, the air started to warm up, and you sighed. "That feels nice."

"Good," he said, putting his phaser away. "You still appear to be cold, though."

You shot him a smile. "I'm okay. I'll warm up soon."

Data said nothing. He moved closer to you and wrapped his arms around you.

You tensed and looked at him. "Um. Commander?"

"I have read that sharing body heat is a good way to warm up. Although I am an android, being next to me may prove to help increase your body temperature."

You stifled your smile as you ate the remainder of your ration. "I suppose it can't hurt, right?"

"I will not hurt you, Y/N," Data said, moving his hands up and down your arms. "I will not hold you too tight. If I do—"

"Data," you interrupted. "I didn't mean you ... holding me will hurt. I meant that it wouldn't make this situation worse."

He was silent a moment, then said: "Ah. It was a figure of speech."

You nodded and drank some water. Then, the two of you sat in silence. Data was still rubbing his hands up and down your arms, and his chest was pressed against your shoulder. You were thankful that Commander Riker couldn't see you, for he'd be teasing the two of you all night. Data didn't realize it, but he was content to hold you despite the grim situation. And though you wouldn't admit it, you were quite comfortable in his arms.

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