Voy. Kathryn Janeway - You're Insecure

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You frowned at yourself in the mirror and turned to the side. The outfit you chose wasn't flattering your curves well in your mind. While some may call your curves sexy, you found them unappealing.

You huffed and stripped down to your underwear, tossing your clothes aside before going back to your dresser. You rummaged through the clothes but couldn't find any that satisfied you. Some were too informal for the dinner that Kathryn was hosting while others just made you feel insecure.

You ran your hand through your hair frustratedly and sat on the bed, trying to hold back tears.

"Janeway to Y/N."

You cleared your throat. "Go ahead."

"Everything all right?"

"Yes, Captain. Why do you ask?"

"You said you were going to come over at 0700 to help prepare for the dinner," she replied. "It's 0710."

You stifled a sigh. "I'll be there soon, I'm sorry, Captain."

"No need to apologize. Just making sure you're still coming." She paused, then added, "And I told you, when we're off duty, call me Kathryn."

You couldn't help but smile slightly. "Yes, Kathryn. I'll see you soon."

"If you're worrying about what to wear, just remember that I think you look great in everything," she said, knowing you too well to not realize what was keeping you. "Wear what makes you comfortable. No one will judge or say anything, I promise. If they do, I'll demote them."

You huffed in laughter. "You can't do that."

"Watch me."

You shook your head slightly. "I'll be there soon."

You stood and looked through your clothes again. You tried to think to what Kathryn liked you in. Though you didn't need her approval of what to wear, it did make you feel more confident when she liked your outfit. You finally managed to choose an outfit that was semi-formal, comfortable, and didn't make you hate your body. You then made your way to Kathryn's quarters and rang the chime, entering after she said to.

"I'm sorry I'm late."

She looked over to you as she put a plate of burnt food back into the replicator. "It's perfectly all right. The food may take some more time, too."

You smiled slightly. "Replicator still being temperamental?"

She sighed and shook her head. "I don't understand. B'Elanna tells me nothing is wrong with it and yet when I try to replicate food, it burns it."

"I don't know what to tell you," you said, going to the table to begin arranging the dishes and cutlery.

Kathryn looked to you, smiling as she took in your appearance. "You look lovely, Y/N."


"I mean it," she told you, going towards you. "I honestly can't fathom why you don't like your body. I think it's amazing."

You shrugged slightly. "After years of disliking it, it's hard to stop."

She nodded slightly. "I understand. And until you learn to like your body like I do, I will be here to remind you how good you look. Even when, and especially when you think otherwise."

You smiled, making eye contact with her. "Thank you, Kathryn. That means a lot to me."

She put her hand on your shoulder and smiled. "Now, let's see if I can replicate food that isn't burnt, shall we?"

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