TNG. Data - You Get Caught Kissing

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You lay back on the holographic grass and sighed, looking up at the blue sky overhead. It was a beautiful day—Data got Geordi to program it that way. The sun was shining, though clouds in the sky helped block some of the rays. There were birds chirping in the trees around you, which offered you shade. And Data had even gotten a blanket for the two of you to lie on.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Data asked as he settled down beside you.

You smiled and nodded. "Very much so. This program is amazing, Data. Thank you."

"You should thank Geordi," he replied. "He was the one who made it. I gave him ideas and details, but ultimately it was he who created it."

You leaned your head on your hand. "But it was your idea, and you took the initiative to get Geordi to program this. And for that, I thank you."

"You are most welcome. I know how stressed you have been with work, and I remember you telling me how you used to love to cloud-watch."

You looked up and grinned. "See that one?" you asked, pointing up. "It's a bunny."

Data looked, but he tilted his head in confusion. "I think you are mistaken, Y/N. That is only a cloud. Not a lagomorph."

You laugh. "It looks like a bunny, Data. And that one there is a crescent moon. Do you see it?"

He was silent for a few moments, then said, "I do not. Your human imagination is very interesting. You are able to see things that are not there. You look at the clouds and see a rabbit and a moon. I look at them and see resequenced photons, resembling a cirrostratus cloud."

You looked at him and giggled. "Maybe some day you'll see what I see."

"That is an impossible event. Even if I had human eyes, one cannot see through another's eyes, for each individual brain receives the information in a different way. In fact—"

"Data," you interrupted.


"Shut up and kiss me."

He paused, only for a moment, then obliged with your request. He leaned down, hovering over you, and kissed you. The kiss was gentle at first, but when you kissed harder, he did the same.

He pulled away after a few minutes. You smiled and touched his cheek. You moved your hand to the back of his neck and pulled it down slightly.

"Am I correct to assume you wish to resume our previous action of intimacy?" he inquired, scanning your face for indicators.

You smirked and nodded. "Yes."

Just as he was about to kiss you again, the holodeck doors opened.

"Data," Geordi said, "I was just—whoa."

You pushed Data off and sat up, cheeks turning pink.

"Sorry," Geordi said sheepishly. "I just wanted to make sure the program was working properly. We're experiencing some power surges down in engineering and I couldn't tell if they were effecting the holo-emitters."

Data looked to his friend. "Clearly the holo-emitters are working perfectly."

"Yeah ... yeah, clearly." Geordi coughed. "Sorry. I didn't mean to intrude. I'll uh, I'll be going. If the program acts up, give me a call."

"We will. Thank you, Geordi," you said, smiling slightly.

He gave the two of you an awkward smile, then left.

You sighed. "He cockblocked us."

Data looked at you in confusion. "Cockblock?"

You laughed lightly. "It's an old human expression from the twenty-first century."

Data quickly ran through his database, then nodded. "Ah. A slang term describing an action relating to one preventing others from engaging in intimacy."

"Though, we could always start again," you said slowly, biting your lip softly.

"I believe that would be enjoyable," he admitted.

You smiled and pushed him onto his back on the blanket. "You're such a romantic."

Before I forget: thank you guys so so much for over 2,000 reads and over 100 votes on this book! It means so much that so many people here are enjoying these. xx

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