TNG. Being Will and Deanna's Child Would Include...

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You would be an empath like Deanna, though your abilities would probably be weaker than hers since you'd only be a quarter Betazed. You would be able to speak telepathically with your parents, though, but they preferred to speak out loud most of the time.

You'd grow up on the Enterprise, going to school with the other children onboard. Will would love helping you with homework and school projects. He'd be very patient as he helped you and would encourage you to always try your best in school but to not feel bad if you don't understand certain subjects.

Will would also try and teach you how to play the trombone. Though you probably wouldn't be able to play it well until you were older, he'd be teaching you since you were small. As soon as you were big enough to hold it without much assistance, he'd be teaching you how to play which would make for some noisy times in your quarters, much to Deanna's dismay (though she'd actually love to watch you and Will bond over the music).

Deanna would always be so gentle and compassionate towards you. She'd constantly be checking up on you and making sure you're okay. She'd be able to sense when you're feeling poorly and always let you know that you could speak to her about whatever was bothering you, though she'd never pressure you to open up before you're ready.

The other senior officers would be like aunts and uncles to you. When you were very young, they would all take turns babysitting you and helping Deanna and Will in any way they could. Picard would even let you go onto the bridge from time to time, but only if it was quiet and there weren't any big projects or anything going on.

You and Deanna would care for Spot when Data is away on missions. She would love you and would always give you so much affection. You'd spend ages in Data's quarters with Spot, playing with her and cuddling her until your parents told you it was time to leave.

Will would be so protective of you. He would always be worrying about your wellbeing, especially when the ship visits new planets or encounters ships or planets of known species who aren't all that friendly. He wouldn't show it to the other members of the crew, but in tense situations he'd be drowning in anxieties about your safety.

While Will is a proud Starfleet man when his family is in danger, he'd do anything and everything to protect them and save them. Will wouldn't be afraid to do anything necessary to ensure your safety and wellbeing, including defying Starfleet's rules and regulations, or the captain's orders.

Your parents would have some hectic schedules from time to time, but they always made sure to make time for you and would always make sure that you felt loved, appreciated, and safe.

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