DS9. Julian Bashir - "Just kiss me."

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"I can't believe I didn't see it sooner," Julian was saying, grinning. "It was so obvious!"

You smiled. "But you figured it out, like I knew you would." You put your hand onto his shoulder and rubbed your thumb against the side of his neck.

He didn't seem to notice your advance at him, for he kept talking. "Although, without Dax's help I never would have realized that the nucleotide malfunctions were connected to the increase of gamma rays."

You moved yourself closer to him. "That's great, sweetie."

"Though, I suppose if I had taken the time to study the gamma rays, I would have realized the connection. But, I don't think this experiment would be where it is if I didn't have Dax's help."

You sighed and put yourself in his lap, hoping he would finally get the hint. "You two make a good team."

Julian looked at you and a smirk appeared on his face. "Only in the lab. You and I make a good team anywhere."

Your smile grew. "You think so?"

He nodded and moved his arm around your waist. "I do."

Your gaze shifted to his lips. "Julian?"


"I don't mean to sound... insensitive, but could we maybe talk about or do something else?" you asked as sweetly as you could. "I love you, and I love hearing about your work—"

"Say no more," he interrupted. "I understand."

"You do?"

"I do. After a tiring day, I know that you like some affection to help you relax." Julian moved his hands to your back, slowly rubbing his fingertips against your sore muscles. You sighed in content and he smiled. "Now, what would you like?"

"Just kiss me, please."

Julian complied with your request, and you leaned in against him, loving the feeling of his lips finally being on yours again.

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