Voy. Q Junior Being Jealous Would Include...

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Q Junior would first meet you when he was forced to stay on Voyager for a while and he'd develop feelings for you quite quickly after you were kind and accepting towards him.

After that stay, Q would visit Voyager often just to see you. He'd pop in on you all the time, whether you were in the middle of working or not. He'd do his best to stay out of his way, but he'd want to spend time with you and get to know you better so he'd probably be a bit of a pest at times.

You'd be close friends with Tom and Harry since you'd be around their age. You'd spend a lot of your free-time with the two of them and Q Junior would not be too happy about that.

You'd be the first person he ever had a crush on, so he wouldn't quite understand jealousy and why he got so frustrated when Tom or Harry made you smile or laugh.

As confident as he acts, Q Junior is actually a big softie who needs lots of reassurance. He would simply be very insecure; he wouldn't be able to imagine that someone like you would like someone like him.

Q would be so bitter and petty towards Harry and Tom and neither of them would understand why he was acting that way.

He'd start to give you the cold shoulder as well, blowing you off and not talking to you when he was on-board, but not leaving in a flash just so you could witness him being so upset.

You'd confront him about it after Q was acting so poorly towards you all. He'd be so pouty, not being great at communicating how he feels.

"Q, seriously, what's wrong? Tom and Harry didn't do anything to you, so why are you being so mean to them?"

"They made you laugh."

"...and? Oh my god, you're jealous."

"Jealous? I'm not jealous, I'm... oh, yes, I am jealous, that's how I'm feeling."

You'd try your best to explain to him that being jealous is natural and perfectly fine, but how he was acting upon those feelings was not okay. He wouldn't quite understand: if he wanted you to date him why was it so bad that he was upset with others who might steal you from him?

"Q, if you want me to go out with you, you'll have to accept that I may spend time with other people and that it's okay for others to make me laugh. Because they're not the ones I want to be with. You are."

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