Ent. Malcolm Reed - Labouring Mission

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Eight months, two weeks, and four days. That's how long you had been pregnant for. It had been a long and tiring eight months, but both you and Malcolm were so excited to become parents. When you hit eight months, Captain Archer gave you minimal work to do—you mostly worked on writing and editing reports and analyzing scans from a seated position either at your work station or in your quarters.

That's what you were doing now; working on editing a report for Starfleet Command in the comfort of your quarters. You had been feeling some discomfort in your uterus for the past hour, but it was manageable. The discomfort was slowly starting to become painful, and you hissed when the pain started to spread across your lower torso.

"Is this a contraction?" you asked aloud, even though you were alone. The pain started to subside after around a minute, and you took in a deep breath to refocus your mind. You continued to work on the report, waiting to see if there was another contraction. About ten minutes later, the pain started again.

"Ow, fuck, okay I hear you buddy." You breathed slowly through the pain, clenching your eyes shut until it passed. Once it did, you carefully got up and pressed your com button. "Y/N to sickbay."

"Phlox here."

"I think I'm having contractions," you said.

"Can you make it down to sickbay?" he asked you.

You nodded, though he couldn't see you, and said, "Yeah, I'll be down in a minute."

You made sure to grab your sickbay bag before leaving your quarters, just in case the contractions weren't false. You made your way to sickbay slowly and when you got there you noticed that Phlox had prepared a bed with all sorts of supplies in a cart next to it.

"How do you feel?" Phlox asked, a scanner in his hand.

"I'm okay. A bit uncomfortable." You made your way over to the bed and he helped you sit upon it. Just as you settled onto the bed, the pain began again and you grunted, gripping the edge of the biobed.

Phlox took a scan of your swollen belly and a smile spread on his face. "Ah. You are indeed having contractions."

"I am?" you asked, exhaling as the pain started to leave. "I'm having contractions. Oh my gosh, I'm in labour. I'm actually in labour."

Phlox nodded and moved the scanner towards your groin. "You are four and a half centimetres dilated. It may take some time for you to become fully dilated, so I would get comfortable if I were you."

You sighed impatiently. You wanted to meet your son and you wanted to meet him as soon as possible. "How much time?"

Phlox shrugged. "Oh, it depends. Some humans can be in labour for days. Others a mere few hours. I will monitor you and check on you every so often. I can give you something for the pain, so you should be much more comfortable."

With another sigh, you nodded. "Thanks, Doc. Oh my gosh, I need to call Malcolm!"

You reached over and pressed the com button near your bed. "Y/N to Malcolm."

"Malcolm here," he replied instantly. You could hear a hint of worry in his tone.

"Mal, you're not going to believe this," you said excitedly. "I'm in labour!"

You heard cheering of the bridge crew in the background.

"Congratulations, Y/N!" Captain Archer exclaimed.

"Really?" Malcolm asked softly, full of emotion.

You laughed happily. "Yes! I'm with Phlox in sickbay now."

"Captain, permission to leave my station," Malcolm said, doing his best to sound as professional as he could. You could hear the eagerness and excitement in his voice, though.

"Of course, go," Archer said with a light chuckle. "Don't even think about work for the next while."

"Thank you, Captain. Y/N, I'll be right there."

Within a few minutes, Malcolm was entering sickbay with an enthusiastic glimmer in his eyes and a smile plastered on his face.

"Hey," you said softly, reaching a hand out as he approached.

He took it instantly and kissed your knuckles. "Hey. How do you feel? Are you hurting?"

"I'm okay. Phlox gave me something for the pain a minute ago, so all I feel is pressure right now."

Malcolm nodded and kissed your forehead. "I'm glad you're not in pain."

"Any pain would be worth it," you said. "Can you believe that soon our son will be here with us? I can't wait to meet him."

"Part of me feels like I'm dreaming," he admitted with a smile. He placed his hand onto your stomach lightly and his smile only widened.

You put your hand on top of his. "Well if it's dream, I don't ever want to wake up."

"Me neither, my love."

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