TNG. Data - Hometown Trip

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You led Data into the café you and your old friends used to go to, taking in a deep breath of the coffee-scented air. Data looked around, fascinated by the décor. It was very unique—large, velvet couches, brightly coloured paintings on the walls, and repurposed side-tables that were painted by the owner.

"Y/N!" your childhood friend called from a couch in the back corner.

You smiled and brought Data over, having to literally pull him away from a painting. "Hey, Riley! It's so nice to see you!"

"Nice to see you, too," they said, grinning as you two hugged momentarily. They then looked at Data. "Who's your friend?"

By their tone, you knew they thought you and Data were more than friends. "This is Commander Data. Data, this is Riley, the friend I told you about."

"Ooh, the android?" Riley asked, looking him over. They held out their hand.

Data blinked, then shook it. "I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Riley."

They smiled. "Likewise. So how long have you two been together?"

You sighed. "We're not together."

"Y/N," Data said, "you seem to be mistaken. We are in fact together at this moment. We have been since we left the Enterprise."

You smiled slightly. "That's not the kind of together Riley meant... They think we're a couple."

"Ah, a romantic and sexual pairing," Data said, making Riley laugh. "I am afraid you are incorrect. Y/N and I are just friends."

Riley grinned and shrugged, taking a seat again. "Whatever you say. I think you two would be cute together, though."

You rolled your eyes and took a seat. "Yeah, yeah. You and everyone else. So far today, parents, siblings, and other friends have all thought Data and I are dating."

Data sat next to you and nodded. "It is true. We have had numerous awkward conversations throughout the day."

"Maybe it's a sign that you're meant to be together," Riley mused.

You smiled and shook your head, though a small voice inside of you was wondering the same thing.

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