Voy. Doctor - Talent Show

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You paced back and forth in the back of the mess hall as Harry preformed a clarinet piece for the talent show.

You and The Doctor were next. The two of you were to sing one of his favourite Opera songs. You two had been practicing for weeks, though it took some convincing for you to agree. While you loved to sing, singing in front of others stressed you out. But, The Doctor gently encouraged you to sing with him.

"If you pace anymore, you'll wear a hole in the floor," The Doctor mused.

You looked to him. "Sorry. I'm just nervous."

"You have nothing to be nervous about," he told you. "You have a lovely voice and the audience will love it as much as I do. Besides, you'll be up there with me. If you start to falter, I shall pick up the pieces."

You pressed your lips together and breathed deeply through your nose. "I've just never done anything like this before. The closest I've come to singing in front of an audience was back at the academy when I sung in the shower without realizing my roommate had friends over."


"And what?"

"Did the world split in two? Did a tsunami crash down on San Francisco? Did your heart stop beating?"

"No, but—"

"Then you have nothing to worry about," he said, placing a hand on your shoulder. "I understand it's scary, but it's fun once you get up there."

"Don't blame me if I have an acute anxiety attack."

"If you do, I'll be right there to help."

You smiled.

Harry's performance ended, and the audience began to cheer and clap. You and The Doctor joined in.

Chakotay stepped up in front of everyone. "Thanks, Harry. That was great. Next, we have Ensign Y/L/N and The Doctor singing."

The crowd welcomed the two of you with applause as you and The Doctor made your way to the front of the room.

"Computer," The Doctor said, "begin EMH audio playback four."

Music to the song begun to play over the speakers and you took in a deep breath, praying you wouldn't forget the words, hyperventilate, pass out, or do all three.

But, much to your surprise, you begun to sing no problem. Your voice blended with The Doctor's in perfect harmony. You didn't have to even think of the words, they just came out of your mouth with ease.

When the song was over, the audience erupted in cheers and applause. You looked over to The Doctor, a broad smile across your face.

"Told you you could do it," he said.

"That felt incredible," you said, adrenaline coursing through you.

He smiled proudly. "We should do this more often."

You quickly nodded your head. "That would be great."

You and The Doctor made your way to your seats. Several crewmates complimented your singing, including Harry and Tom, who both seemed to be very impressed.

"I always knew they could do it," The Doctor said nonchalantly, though pride was evident on his face. "Just took a bit of coaxing, that's all."

"Thank you for believing in me," you said.

The Doctor dipped his head. "You're welcome. Too bad this isn't a competition."

You laughed. "We're the winners in my book."

He looked at you, silent for a moment. Then, he smiled and said, "Mine as well."

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