TNG. Data - He Teaches You How To Fight

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Data landed another hit to your side, causing you to grunt with frustration.

"You did not dodge," Data stated.

You huffed and gripped the fighting stick in your hands. "Clearly."

"You must learn to dodge attacks in order to properly defend yourself."

"I know," you said, somewhat annoyed. "It's just difficult to dodge when I'm holding this ten foot pole."

Data's head quirked to the side slightly. "It is only four feet, seven inches, and two millimetres."

You managed a smile. "Well, it feels like it's ten feet."

"Let us fight without the sticks, then. Perhaps you will be better at hand-to-hand combat. Computer, delete fighting sticks."

The holographic fighting stick in your hand disappeared.

You cracked your knuckles. "All right. You better go easy on me, Data."

"Why?" he asked.

"Because you have super human strength," you stated with a short laugh. "And I don't want to explain to Beverly why my bones are all broken."

"Ah. Of course. I will, as you say, go easy on you." He stood before you and started to circle. You followed, keeping a close eye on his hands. You jumped out of the way as he tried to hit your shoulder. You then kicked his hand as he went in for another hit, but he grabbed it with his other, causing you to lose your balance. You landed on your back with an oomf.

"Never forget your opponent's free hand," Data said. "You must be aware of both hands' movements."

You sighed and pushed yourself to your feet. "This is impossible."

"It is merely difficult," Data corrected. "It does make sense. You are not used to fighting; you have never done it. It is a new skill for you, but with time and practice you will succeed."

You smiled slightly. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to encourage you."

Data blinked, contemplating your statement. "I was only stating facts, Y/N. You are strong and intelligent. You will be able to learn this, but it will take practice."

You pushed your hair out of your face and sighed. "Well, I'm glad I have such a great teacher."

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