TNG. Deanna Troi Crushing On A Girl Would Include...

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Her being unsure of her feelings towards you for a while because this is the first time she's wondered if she might have a crush on another woman

Her talking to Beverly about her confusion and asking for her advice; Beverly telling her to treat this like any other crush and let her feelings guide her actions

Deanna spending more time with you—partly to make sure her feelings are romantic in nature but also because spending time with you would made her very happy and nervous at the same time

Her not knowing if you feel the same way and being nervous to tell you the truth. She'd be able to sense feelings of familiarity and affection from you but wouldn't be sure if tehy were romantic or platonic in nature

One day you would ask her what was wrong after going to her quarters and realize she was on her third chocolate sundae

She'd finally spill everything to you, trying to stay calm and collected as she told you how she felt about you

You'd be surprised at first. After all, she'd never said anything that made you think she liked girls. But, you'd also be relieved because you felt the same way about her

When she didn't sense any hatred, uncertainty, or confusion from you, she would be so relieved

The two of you would share your first kiss then, and man would sparks fly

When the rest of the crew found out, they would be a little shocked for the same reasons you were, but they would all accept it and be happy for the two of you because c'mon it's the 24th century and homophobia doesn't exist in the federation

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