AOS/TOS. Being Leonard "Bones" McCoy's Younger Sibling Would Include...

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A/N: I hope you're all liking these so far! I have tons posted on my tumblr (which I am posting here now) so please bookmark this or add it to your library so you won't miss an update. Also, if you are enjoying these imagines, please vote and comment on them! xx

Calling him Leonard or Len instead of Bones, which would sometimes piss him off depending on his mood

Him being super protective over you, especially when it came to you going on away missions

Him hating it when any members of the crew get close to you because he doesn't want you to get hurt. AKA him glaring at so many people when they so much as make you laugh

You always trying to make him smile and laugh seeing as he's so negative all the time. Telling him corny jokes and puns all the time, which would lead to him rolling his eyes but smiling slightly

Always going to talk to him when you're having a bad day, but since he's not the best at comforting it'd result in the two of you just sitting silently in one of your quarters, him having his arm around you

Him getting so angry when you get hurt:
"Dammit, Y/N! I told you not to provoke them!"
"Don't you Leonard me! You could've died, Y/N! Did you ever think about that? You could have died."
"I'm sorry. But I'm fine, see?"
"Damn right you are."

You and Jim planning something special for his birthday and actually making him tear up when you give him his presents and cake

Bones giving you routine check ups a lot more often than necessary, just to make sure you're okay because you're his little brother/sister and he needs you to be healthy

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