Voy. Doctor - "I love you, you asshole."

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"I don't understand why you'd risk your life for me," Doctor said, clearly annoyed and frustrated with you.

You huffed. "You're welcome."

He rolled his eyes. "You could have died, Y/N. Why? You had the chance to run from the aliens and leave me with them, but you chose to stay and risk your life."

"Because that's what friends do!" you exclaimed, trying to navigate your way through the dense forest and find the shuttle. "I wasn't going to leave you. Besides, your mobile emitter is a very unique piece of technology, we can't let other species obtain it."

You heard the doctor huff. "Oh, so the only reason why you saved me was because of my emitter?"

"No," you said quickly. "No, that's not the only reason."

"So why in the world would you risk yourself in that manner?" he asked, sending you a harsh look. "The ship can't afford to lose you, Y/N. You're a valuable member of the crew. The ship can't afford to lose you. Besides, if we had both been captured, who would have gotten back to the ship and told the captain about—"

"I did it because I love you, you asshole!"

He shut right up, staring at you with wide eyes. "You... you do?"

You frowned, looking ahead. "I. . . um, yes."

"I didn't know that," he said slowly.

"Yeah, well, for some reason I'm attracted to you," you muttered. "I know this is probably awkward for you, and believe me it's no picnic for me, either."

Doctor was quiet, then took your hand in his. "Y/N... I love you too."

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