TNG. Q - "You're so hot when you're mad."

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"Please go bother someone else," you said, trying to concentrate on finishing your system analysis.

Q frowned, leaning against your work station. "Am I bothering you, my dear?"

You glanced up at him. "Yes. That's why I said, stop bothering me about a hundred times."

"Oh don't exaggerate. It was only five times."

"So why are you still bothering me?"

Q smiled. "Because you're so hot when you're mad."

You huffed in laughter and shook your head. You pressed a few buttons on your console, trying your best to ignore him.

"I mean it," he insisted after a moment of blessed silence. "You're hot when you're in a good mood, but you're extremely hot when you're upset about something. The way your jaw clenches, and your eyebrows furrow. The way you roll your eyes and glare. Ugh, gives me heart palpitations."

"Maybe you should see the doctor about that," you said, monotone.

"Not unless you go with me."

"You're impossible," you grumbled.

"And you're hot. But we've already established that."

You gave him a look.

He held up his hands, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Well you can't blame a Q for trying."

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