DS9. Garak - "So, you like me?"

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A/N: Indirect_Detective requested this. I combined it with another Garak request I received on my Tumblr. Hope that's okay!

"How's your food?" you asked before putting a forkful of your own into your mouth.

"It is decent," Garak replied. "And yours?"

You nodded. "It's good. We should check out that new restaurant some time. Dax tells me it's good."

"Hm. Well, hasn't Dax also eaten Klingon gagh before? Can we really trust her taste buds?"

You laughed. "Point taken, but we should still try it."

"Perhaps next week's lunch can be there."

You pushed your food around on your plate. "Actually, I was thinking maybe we could go in the evening sometime."

Garak looked to you. "And break our routine of having lunch together?" he asked teasingly. "Are you feeling all right?"

You smiled slightly. "I was just thinking maybe it could be like a date. If you want."

"A date," Garak repeated.

You looked up, trying to read his expression. You couldn't quite tell what he was thinking or feeling, so you took in a deep breath and decided that if you were going to tell Garak how you felt, you should be direct. "Yeah, a date. Between two people who maybe want to be in a relationship together. I can't speak for you, but I know I would be more than happy to try it and see where it takes us. I really like you, Garak, and not just as a friend. I think... I think I might be falling in love with you."

Garak didn't say anything. He just looked at you with an expression in his eyes that you couldn't quite place.

"I'm sorry if I'm just kind of springing this onto you," you said quickly, "I just don't want to keep it to myself anymore."

Before Garak could reply, Julian approached your table. "Mind if I join you two?"

You looked at him then at Garak. You didn't want to be rude, but you also really wanted to hear what Garak was thinking.

"Please, have a seat," Garak said, standing. "I should be on my way, anyway."

Your heart dropped.

"You haven't finished your food," Julian said.

"Oh, I'm quite full, thank you." He shot you a soft smile. "Thank you for the company, Y/N. I shall see you in my shop later to fix your ripped uniform."

You mentally swore. You had forgotten that you had an appointment with him. You already knew that was going to be painfully awkward.

Julian sat down next to you and smiled, completely oblivious to what had just occurred. "So, how's your day going?"

"Fine, how's yours?" you asked, not wanting to admit that you were starting to feel as though it might be one of the worst days you've had in a while.


"I'm terribly sorry that our dear doctor interrupted our lunch earlier," Garak said as he worked on fixing the fraying seams on your uniform.

You smiled slightly and shrugged a shoulder contralateral to the side he was working on. "It's all right. Julian just loves to be around his friends sometimes, you know? Though I guess I was hoping to spend some more time with you. Alone."

Garak cleared his throat. "I'm done on this section. If you wouldn't mind turning ninety degrees to your left, I'll work on the other portion of your uniform. How you Starfleet officers get your uniforms so tattered and ripped is beyond me."

Despite the tension, you laughed and turned. "Thank God we have such a talented tailor on board to help us."

Garak hummed and began his work.

"So," you said after a few silent moments. "Have you thought about what I said earlier?"

"I did."

"You did?" you asked. Your heartbeat started to quicken as thoughts of the many possible responses he could have started running through your head.

He nodded, fingers carefully fixing the fabric of your clothing. "Yes. I'm sorry for leaving so abruptly. I needed some time to think of how to properly respond, though I now realize I should have told you that then rather than now."

You nodded. "It's okay."

"Until you said what you did, I hadn't realized just how much I appreciate the time we spend together and that the time we spend together is my favourite time of the week. You make me happy Y/N, and I want to spend more time with you. Much more."

Butterflies were starting to swarm in your stomach. "You do?"

"If the offer of a date is still on the table, I would like to accept."

"I—yeah, yeah, it's still on the table."

"Good. Then how about tomorrow night after your shift ends?"

A wide smile broke out on your face. "That sounds great."

"So, you like me?" you asked after a few moments.

Garak looked to you, holding the hem of your shirt tightly. "Was I not clear enough? I'll admit I'm out of practice with this sort of thing," he said, sounding a little insecure.

"No, you were fine. I was trying to make a pun. Get it? So sounds like sew, like sewing?"

A faint smile formed. "Ah, yes, that is amusing."

"Sorry, I guess I'm a bit nervous. I've never really done this before. Admit my feelings in this way, that is."

Garak straightened and made eye contact with you. "Why did you admit them? Not that I'm not grateful that you did."

You shrugged. "I don't know. I've always been so insecure. I don't have an average body type and I'm so shy that it's hard for me to get to know people. But with you I feel so free. I don't feel insecure when I'm around you. It's like I can just be myself without having to worry about how you might react."

Garak took your hands in his gently. "My dear Y/N, you are absolutely stunning in every way possible. When you walk into a room I can't help but stare."

You blushed and smiled. "Thank you... I've never felt this way about someone else before. I've never felt so comfortable around anyone."

"Neither have I," he said. His eyes moved downwards momentarily before going back up to your eyes. "May I kiss you?"

You smiled wider and nodded. "I'd like that very much."

Garak smiled and placed a hand on your cheek gently before leaning in and pressing his lips to yours.

When the kiss ended, Garak pressed his forehead against yours. "I think I'm falling in love with you, too."

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