DS9. Odo - You're His Adopted Child

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A/N: The reader is Bajoran since it fit the prompt best

"How's your food?" Odo asked as he watched you eat the food one of Quark's employees brought you.

You smiled, your mouth full, and nodded. "It's good," you replied once you swallowed. "Are you sure you don't mind me eating while you're just... sitting?"

"I don't mind at all," he said. "I'm perfectly content in simply enjoying your company."

"Thanks for arranging this visit, by the way," you said, scooping more food onto your fork. "It's been so long since I saw you last."

He dipped his head. "I know, I'm sorry. It's been very busy here on the station. Especially now that Starfleet is here. These past few months have been... difficult. Some of the Bajorans aren't exactly happy about Starfleet's control over the station. Though I suppose you would hear about this down on Bajor."

You shrugged. "There's talk, but I try to ignore it."

"Good," said Odo approvingly. "You don't want to be swept up in the negativities of others."

Quark approached your table. "Odo, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

Odo barely glanced at him. "If you don't mind, Quark, I'm a little busy right now."

"Yes, I can see that." Quark regarded you for a few moments, then said, "They're a little young for you, aren't they?"

"Excuse me?" Odo asked, his eyes quickly moving to the Ferengi.

"I mean, no judgement from me. They're certainly attractive, I just didn't think you liked them young. They're what? Nineteen, twenty, at the most?"

"Twenty-one," you said with a frown. You didn't like what this Ferengi was implying.

Odo glared at Quark. "You have no idea what you're talking about, Quark. I suggest you shut up and leave now."

Quark looked from Odo to you. "Anyway, since when do you date?"

Odo huffed in laughter. "Date. Hmph. This is Y/N. They're my child."

"Your what?" Quark exclaimed, startling a few customers. "You have a kid?! But they're... Bajoran. And you're..." He looked around quickly. "Doctor! Doctor Bashir!"

Julian, who had been enjoying a drink at the bar, came over. "What is it, Quark?"

"Odo can't... reproduce, can he?" Quark asked.

Julian's brow furrowed. "Not that I know of. Why?"

"Well he clearly has!"

Odo huffed. "Don't be ridiculous, Quark. I took Y/N in as my child years ago. They were orphaned."

Julian stared at the two of you. "Odo, you have a kid?"

You smiled slightly. "I guess he never told you?"

Odo sighed and gave you an apologetic look. "I never told anyone."

"You have always been a private person," you said understandingly.

"Odo," Quark said, flabbergasted. "How... When?"

Odo sighed again. "I found Y/N alone about ten years ago during the occupation. Their family had been killed by the Cardassians; they had no one, and they were too young to be alone. I helped them out: brought them extra rations, medicine, changed their work schedule so they worked less."

You reached across the table and took Odo's hand in yours. "The Bajoran leaders wouldn't allow him to officially adopt me once the occupation ended because I was technically an adult by then. Plus, they were already wary of him as it was. He may not be the same species as me, and might not legally be my father, but I love him as though he were."

Quark, for once, was at a loss for words.

Julian, on the other hand, started spewing out comments almost instantly. "Odo, that's amazing. I never would have guessed that you'd adopted a Bojoran orphan. Not that you don't seem like a fatherly person, you'd just never mentioned anything about having a kid or family."

Odo dipped his head slightly. "I am planning on talking to Commander Sisko about letting them live on the station."

You gasped and gripped his hand tighter. "You are?"

He nodded. "I was going to tell you later when we were alone, but now works, too."

You jumped out of your seat and went to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Oh, Odo, thank you! It'll be amazing to live here with you."

He patted your back, a little awkward at the show of affection in front of his colleagues, but he smiled nonetheless. "I'm looking forward to it."

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