Voy. Doctor - "You did this for me?"

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You watched as The Doctor was reactivated in the holding cell you and the rest of the away team were in.

"What happened?" he asked, looking around the cell worriedly.

"We were captured," Harry said, sitting next to you on the small bench. "We deactivated you, hoping they wouldn't try and take the emitter. You know how these people feel about technology—if they don't have it they want it."


You sighed. "And they got pissed."

The Doctor's eyes went to you and they widened. "You're hurt!" He rushed to you, crouching in front of you. "Did they do this to you?"

With a shrug, you said, "Yeah, but I'm fine."

He scowled. "You're not fine, Y/N. You have a busted lip and torn clothes with God knows how many bruises under them."

"Doc, I'm fine. Besides, it was either endure this or watch them take your emitter and possibly destroy your program."

"You did this for me?" he asked, voice softening. Then, he shouted, "You could have been killed!"

You huffed. "I just saved your life and you're lecturing me? Gee, some thanks I get."

You heard Tom stifling his laughter before muttering to Harry, "Why don't they just kiss all ready?"

The Doctor ignored his comment and started to inspect your wounds. "Thank you, Y/N. I appreciate you risking your safety for me. But, next time please be more careful."

You nodded, watching his every move. "I will. But, I couldn't just let them take you! They would have destroyed your program. I can't lose you."

He met your gaze, his expression unreadable. He started to lean in and your eyes widened slightly.

"They're going to kiss," Tom whispered a bit loudly to Harry.

You blushed, tilting your head to the side as The Doctor's lips attached onto yours. Harry and Tom both whistled and you flipped them both off before allowing yourself to get lost in the kiss.

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