TNG. Visiting Risa With Will Riker Would Include...

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A/N: Implications of sex in the final section.

You two would have saved up your shore leave for some time so that you could both take a week or so off together. The vacation would be well-deserved and you two would really appreciate having the ability to visit such an amazing place.

The first day would consist of you and Will exploring the resort and figuring out where everything was. You two would start to look into excursions and places you wanted to visit and events you wanted to go to. You'd plan out a few visits and trips, but would make sure to not have a rigid schedule because you were on vacation after all.

You and Riker would spend lots of time at the beach: swimming, tanning, reading, drinking mixed drinks, and walking along the shore. You two would walk hand-in-hand down the beach in the evenings as the sun set over the horizon and the rays lit up the ocean by you. You'd talk about anything and everything, and sometimes just walk in comfortable silence.

You'd visit really amazing sites like waterfalls, hiking trails, caverns, and historical sites. You'd explore the sites and experience the culture and history of the Risian people.

Will would have brought a camera and would take lots of pictures of you and of the scenery. He'd always be telling you to stand in front of nice backgrounds so he could snap a picture or two. He'd also shamelessly ask others to take a picture of the two of you.

You two would get couples massages and spa packages, getting so pampered and relaxed that you'd both need to take a nap in your room afterwards.

Will would insist on getting souvenirs for people, so you two would go to tacky giftshops and find some cheesy keepsakes for your friends back on the Enterprise.

Of course, some of your time on Risa would be spent in your room with one another. On board a busy starship, it can be hard sometimes to find some time to be intimate with another person. But on Risa you two would practically have all the time in the world to enjoy each other's company and bodies. 

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