TNG. Data - "Are you hurt?"

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Slight warning: implications of sex, but no direct details of it

You slowly sat up in your bed, stretching your arms above your head. You looked to your side and weren't surprised to see that Data was not next to you. Though he stayed with you while you fell asleep, he often left after a little while to do some work. You stood and hissed when you took a step. You were sore from last night—very sore.

"Data?" you called. "You still here?"

"I am."

You slowly made your way out, walking awkwardly as you tried not to make your muscles and legs hurt anymore than they already do.

Data was sitting at your desk, working on something on a PADD. "Did you sleep well, Y/N?"

"Pretty good," you replied, going to the replicator.

"Pretty well would be the correct way to say that."

You shrugged and replicated a glass of juice. "It's too early for proper grammar."

As you shuffled to your couch, Data asked, "Are you hurt?"


"You appear to be limping and walking in a manner which suggests you are injured."

"Oh, no, I'm fine. Just a bit sore from last night."

It took Data a moment to understand. "Ah. You are referring to our intense intercourse."

You couldn't help but smirk as you took a sip of your juice. "Yeah, Data, that."

"I will be gentler next time."

But you shook your head. "Don't. I like it rough. Just leaves me sore the next morning."

"I do not understand why you would willingly do something that will later result in your discomfort."

"Because it's fun, Data. And it feels good."

"Hm. Then you wish for me to continue pleasing you with the same level of, as you would say, roughness?"

With a grin, you just nodded and drank your juice.

A/N: Just a little note, I am celebrating a follower milestone (1k) on my tumblr account by doing ships and stuff, so if you have tumblr and would like to support me there/participate in the celebration, my url is starfleetimagines!

Star Trek Imagines (Reader-Inserts) Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now