Ent. Dating Jonathan Archer Would Include...

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Little to no PDA because he's the captain and has to be professional around the crew

But, lots of touching and affection in his or your quarters; lots of kissing and cuddling in bed after long days

Him being nervous when you're on an away mission - calling you a lot to check in and make sure you're okay

You convincing him to take breaks when he's being a workaholic

Bringing him to your quarters for half an hour or so to just cuddle on the bed and relax when he's stressed from too much work

Him practically dragging you to sickbay at the slightest sign of an illness, even if it's just a simple headache

Trip always teasing the two of you

When Jon's tired, Trip'd say something like, "Long night Cap'n?" Or when Jon excuse himself to go lie down in his quarters Trip would just snicker and say, "Have fun."

Him always changing your schedule to correspond with his. Making sure your off hours were the same as his so the two of you could spend time with one another

You calling him Jon instead of Captain, which he always loves but has to hide his smile when it happens. Him nearly smacking Trip when he tries to call him Jon; only you can call him that

Jon calling you babe or love – except when you're with other members (other than the senior members) of the crew in which case he'll call you by your first name

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