Voy. Keeping The Doctor Company Would Include...

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Him talking about himself a lot – bringing up recent patients or tough cases, his interest in a few opera he discovered, or the fact that he wants to keep expanding and learning new skills

You nodding, smiling, and humming to keep him speaking

Him eventually asking what's new in your life and wondering why you've been so quiet

You trying your best not to roll your eyes as you answer

The Doctor prying in your personal life, asking if you've been seeing anyone, if you've had any arguments with friends lately, or if you've been developing any new talents

You offering to help him with his reports and diagnostics, which he declines at first then agrees it'd go by faster if you helped him

Him then offering to help you with any tasks you have to get done, and emphasizing that he's skilled in many other areas other than just medicine, golf, and singing

You accepting his help because somehow you actually like spending time with him, even though he can get a bit egotistical at times

Tom stopping by sickbay at a few points and quietly joking to you if you're there against your will and if you want him to come up with an excuse to get you out

You laughing, but declining his offer

"You really want to spend time with him?"

"Yes, I do. He's actually very fun to be around, and really interesting to talk to."

"Okay ... if you need a way out, just give me a call."

"I think I'll be okay. Thanks for the offer, though."

And, like you thought, you wouldn't need to call Tom for a way out because you genuinely enjoy The Doctor's company and he enjoys yours

Star Trek Imagines (Reader-Inserts) Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now