Pic. Chris Rios - "Thank you for not dying."

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A/N: Mentions of blood and an injury. Also this is my first imagine for Picard, so enjoy! :)

As soon as you and Chris energized onto La Serina, he shouted out, "Activate EMH!"

You were limp in his arms, your blood soaking his shirt. You two had been surveying a class-m planet when a humanoid species emerged from caves. Their biosigns had been masked by the elements in the caves, and they were none too happy of your presence. You had tried to apologize and reason with them, but they weren't having any of it. They attacked you both before you could react. An arrow hit your thigh and punctured the artery, causing you to bleed profusely even with the arrow still in you.

The EMH appeared before the transporter pad. "Please state the nature of the medical emergency."

Chris stepped off the pad and stared at him. "What, are you dense? Look at Y/N!"

"How much blood have they lost?" the EMH asked.

"A lot," Chris said, hurriedly taking you to sickbay.

"Rios," Picard exclaimed, going after him. He looked at the two of you, eyes wide as he took in your appearance. "What happened?"

"Locals didn't like us trespassing," he said, putting you onto a biobed.

"The locals?" Raffi asked, entering sickbay as well.

Chris nodded curtly and ran a blood-stained hand through his dark hair. "There were these caves... and some mineral in them hid their biosigns from us. Y/N wanted to collect some plant samples near the caves. The humanoids came out and..."

The EMH gave you a hypospray and said, "This will make sure Y/N stays asleep and out of pain."

Chris nodded and leaned against the biobed next to yours. "They'll be okay, right?"

The EMH looked at your vitals. "I will need to remove the projectile, give them blood, and attempt to stabilize their vitals."

"Attempt?!" Chris exclaimed.

"Rios," Picard said gently, "I'm sure he'll do everything he can for Y/N."

Chris nodded slightly and looked at you with a worried gaze. You had to be all right. You just had to be.

"They have lost a lot of blood. It may take time for them to stabalize," the EMH informed everyone. "Might I suggest getting some rest while I work?"

Chris shook his head violently, then, his hair falling onto his forehead. "No. I'm not leaving. I'm staying here, by Y/N's side until they wake up."

"Rios," Raffi said gently as she put a hand onto his bicep. "At least change into some clean clothes."

He looked down at himself and sucked in a slow breath, only now realizing how much of your blood was on him. After mulling it over for a few moments, he said, "Okay. I'll change, but that's it. I'm coming right back here after. I'll complete the report as I wait for them to wake up."

"Don't worry about getting a report done," Picard said. "You can do that when Y/N's better."

Chris gave him a grateful look, then trudged out of sickbay.

When he returned, the EMH was watching your vitals.

"How are they?" Chris asked, going straight to your side.

"I was able to stop the bleeding and give them enough blood before their systems went into shock," the EMH said. "They will be fine."

Chris exhaled slowly and leaned his head back, silently thanking the universe for letting you live. He felt a sudden surge of emotions rush through him and he gripped the edge of your bed. He stared down at you, admiring your features. You looked so peaceful lying there, almost as if you were asleep.

"When they wake, they will be groggy and weak. Try to keep them lying down and make sure they rest for at least two days before returning to duty."

"I will, thanks," Chris muttered.

The EMH dipped his head. "You know where to find me should you need me."

"Right. Computer, deactivate EMH."

The EMH disappeared and then it was just you and Chris. He took your hand in his gently and brushed his lips over your knuckles.

He never knew how much you meant to him until he saw you collapse in his arms from blood-loss. He never knew how much he needed you in his life until he was lying your limp body onto the biobed with no idea if you'd recover. He never knew that he loved you until he heard that you would be okay.

"I know you can't hear me, but... I love you. If you had died... I don't know what I would have done. Thank you for not dying." He leaned down and kissed your forehead softly, promising himself that when you wake up he'll tell you just how much you mean to him.

Star Trek Imagines (Reader-Inserts) Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now