Ent. Jonathan Archer - "Did you enjoy yourself last night?"

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You rolled onto your stomach, sighing as you felt an arm snake around your waist. "Did you enjoy yourself last night?" a raspy voice asked in your ear.

You smiled and opened your eyes to look at Jon. "I did. Did you?"

He nodded and pulled you closer. "Mhm." He kissed your lips softly.

"By how loudly you were screaming my name, I hope you enjoyed yourself," you teased.

Jon chuckled. "I wasn't that loud."

You raised your eyebrows and smirked at him. "Jon, I'm pretty sure the entire ship heard you last night."

He laughed again. "Oh please, I wasn't that loud."

"Sure you weren't." You kissed his lips softly.

He ran his hand up and down your bare back, tracing patterns across it with the tip of his fingers. "Neither of us have duty for another few hours."

"Where are you going with this?" you asked, smiling as you already knew the answer.

He kissed the corner of your mouth. "I think you know."

"Do I?" you mumbled.

"Mm." He climbed on top of you, kissing your jaw. "You do."

"Tell me what you mean," you murmured, reaching up to trace a hickey you gave him last night.

Jon grinded his hips down against you and you grunted. He smiled, kissing your neck slowly. You tilted your head back, exposing more skin for his wet lips to kiss.

He moved his mouth up near your ear and whispered, "Why don't I show you, instead?"

Star Trek Imagines (Reader-Inserts) Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now